Chapter 13-Kisses and Fireside Chats

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Anakin did a second circuit of the property. Everything remained quiet, undisturbed. Carandra truly was a secluded place. Beautiful and yet lonely at the same time.

He glanced in the direction of the cabin. Well, lonely without someone to share it with.

A thrill went through him at finally being alone with Cassandra without having to worry about Obi-Wan's silent disapproval over Anakin's apparent affection for the sorceress.

Without love how could he reach the pinnacle of a great Jedi? Love was the foundation of everything in the universe.

Beneath an overcast sky Anakin kicked a pinecone across the snow. The more he was around Cassandra, the less he cared about following the antiquated rules of the Jedi Order. Some rules were made to be broken. Had been broken by older and wiser Jedi than him. Like Qui-Gon Jinn, the man he looked up to like a father, who fell in love with another Jedi Master named Tahl.

Anakin rounded the corner of the cabin and something hard smacked him in the back. His hand automatically dropped to his lightsaber then retracted when he sensed who stood behind him.

Dressed in her winter gear, Cassandra held a ball of compacted snow in a gloved hand. She grinned at his annoyed expression. "Glad to have your attention."

"What the kriff are you doing?" He demanded.

"I was bored and decided to take a walk." She scuffed her boot through the snow innocently. "All you've done since you got here is patrol and brood like Jon Snow, so I decided to do something about it."

Straightening to his full height, Anakin crossed his arms. "By throwing snow at me?"

Despite himself, Anakin felt a smile start. He wasn't angry. He loved this playful side of her.

"I couldn't resist a golden opportunity to one-up a Jedi Knight." She tossed the snowball up and down, her head cocked adorably to the side. "You need to chill Anakin so I'm going to help you with that."

The ball sailed through the air and plopped against his chest. She giggled at the shocked expression on his face. "Too easy."

Anakin brushed the snow off his robes. "Alright, Cass. I'll play your silly game." He promised stalking toward her. "But I promise you'll regret challenging me."

Her eyes sparkled mischievously. "Challenging you is something I'll never regret. Catch me if you can, Jedi."

In one swift motion, she whirled around and sprinted across the yard, her short legs pumping through the snow.

In deference to her smaller stature, Anakin allowed her a head start before taking off after her. She was quick, darting behind a trunk, evading his outstretched hand. Leaping over a fallen log she sprinted past a cluster of bushes, braid streaming behind her.

A deep laugh floated from Anakin's throat, slithering through the trees. Her happiness was infectious, flowing freely through the Force. This girl made him happier than he'd ever been in his life.

Alone with her in the forest, Anakin allowed himself to imagine a future with her. One where Jedi Codes and distant worlds meant nothing. A future he longed for above all else.

Anakin shot forward. The tips of his fingers brushed against her hood. He lost his grip when she abruptly pivoted for a stand of conifer trees.

Swearing, he stumbled over a hidden rock and came close to face-planting in a snowbank.

Cassandra laughed at him over her shoulder. She leaped over depressions in the snow and dodged shrubs with nimble grace. "Losing your touch, Anakin Bananakin?"

Love In A Faraway Galaxy-AnakinxOCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora