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-Please be aware that this chapter is the longest chapter in SERENDIPITY; so it's gonna be super long!
Please prepare some tissues if needed too :)-

Song suggestion while reading :
"If I Were The Wind" - Y (Golden Child)

Sungyoon's storytelling
On the next day, Jibeom, Leia and Areum come to the Choi's house because Bomin has just been back from the UK for his 2 months semester break. Sungyoon at the same time, has just finished his semester's lecture so he's free for 2 months too.

Leia and Jibeom do announce to the family and friends, especially Serendipity members, that Leia is currently 4 weeks pregnant. It has been confirmed after they went for further tests at the hospital. Everyone is so delighted to know, especially Sungyoon. He's extremely happy for Leia. He knows that another wish of Leia has been granted; which to be a mother from her very own offspring.

*   *   *

After lunch, all family members are having a talk in the living room while Sungyoon is staying with Areum in the playroom. Since Leia engaged to Jibeom, Sungyoon likes to spend most of his time with Areum. There were several times Sungyoon did fetch Areum from school like Bomin always did, so her teachers and friends had already known Sungyoon very well. Even when the time he didn't have anything to do, he'll come to Jibeom and Leia's house just to play with Areum. They even have a matching bracelet, which Areum crafted herself with the help from Leia for Sungyoon. Areum is really close to Sungyoon after Bomin.

"What are you drawing?" Sungyoon pats on Areum's head when he sees Areum is drawing a picture on her drawing block.

"I'm drawing my dongsaeng's picture and I" Areum says. Sungyoon smiles while looking at the picture, a boy is playing football with her.

"You want a baby brother?" Sungyoon asks. Areum nods enthusiastically. Sungyoon smiles.

"Why do you want a baby brother?" Sungyoon asks.

"I wanna play football with him!" Areum says. Sungyoon giggles.

"Do you know how to play football?" Areum asks Sungyoon.

"Yes I do" Sungyoon replies.

"Wow then, can you teach me and my dongsaeng later?" Areum asks in amazement.

"Sure I can!" Sungyoon says. He kisses Areum's head. Areum smiles widely.

"Samchon, let's draw together" Areum says when she flips another page of her drawing block. Sungyoon nods. He takes one of the crayon and begins to draw a random picture with Areum.

Suddenly, his vision turns blurry. His head feels dizzy. He starts to smell an odd odour coming out of nowhere. His nose bleeds and some of the blood drops on Areum's drawing block.

"Samchon, are you okay?" Areum asks in nervousness when she sees Sungyoon's nose is bleeding.

"Areum, I feel.. tired. I don't know why.." Sungyoon says. His head starts to feel heavy. He wipes his nose with a tissue he can find in the room.

"Do you want a glass of water?" Areum asks. Sungyoon shakes his head.

"I think.. I want to rest for a while. Can I.. take a nap?" Sungyoon asks. Areum nods. She then gets up and then she helps Sungyoon to get up. They both are holding hands and Areum tries to help by navigating Sungyoon to his bedroom. Out of sudden, Sungyoon loses his coordination. He suddenly collapses and falls unconscious. Areum becomes panic. Sungyoon's eyes are rolling upward. There is a lot of excess saliva coming from his mouth. His whole body is shaking. He's having seizures.

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