"Calm down, I am with you, you're fine"

"I am sorry, It was just a nightmare"

She pulled herself back as quickly as she hugged me and all the heat disappeared but the smell of her remained with me-- she wiped her all tears and the sweet smile she wore all the time was back again on her lips-- she was good at pretending.

"It's okay, you don't have to apologise for anything"

"Thank you for calming me and not asking me any questions."

"You know right, you can tell me anything"

I want to know what happened, I want to know it all and I want to ask all types of questions, why? She is scared but I kept all the questioning for later because it's not the right time and I don't have any right to ask her all this but soon I will.

"Thank you so much for your understanding Mr. Hayden, but may I ask you where I am?"

"In my home"

I answered her while pouring her water and side-eyeing her beautiful features, her glowy morning skin, her flushed cheeks and an embarrassment maybe because of hugging me.

Her pink and plumbed lips parted apart to say something, I am sure her lips will be as sweet as her.

"And what I am doing here?"

"Think what you're doing here but first drink this"

She sat straight on the bed, groaning and sighing in pain.
Her dark eyes travelled through me to her hands, nails and then to her nightgown-- I picked for her and her best friend changed her into this sexy gown.

"Who changed my clothes?" She narrowed her eyes at me

"Of course me, who else will do it"

Her cheeks flushed, our breath picked up a rhythm and the air around us felt so heavy and filled with some sweet and tender smell like lilies.

"Don't joke with me"

I deadly want to joke about this shit, oh God what the fuck is wrong with my brain. My brain cells have some major problems nowadays it's not working properly, I should get it checked.

Breathe Hayden! I took a long breath and sighed.

"Your best friend did!"

Her shoulder muscles relaxed so did her whole body.

"You just gave me an attack" She rolled her eyes at me

I badly wanted to punish her for rolling her eyes at me but I remained calm and firmly held her chin between my thumb and forefinger, tilting it upwards so that she had to meet my gaze.

The room was silent, and the only sound was our breathing. My eyes bore into hers, conveying the seriousness of the situation. I spoke with authority, my voice low and steady but loud enough for her to Shiver beneath me.

"Never. roll. your. eyes. at. me. doll."

As I released her chin, the tension slowly dissipated, and we both let out a sigh of relief. It was a powerful moment.

"Try to remember what happened last night"

With her eyes tightly shut, she delved into her thoughts, determined to recall every detail of the previous night. Frowning and knitting her eyebrows, she scrutinized her memories, trying to connect the dots, and creases formed on her forehead.

As she slowly opened her eyes, I noticed the way her chest heaved as she took a deep breath and let out a long sigh.

The sound of her disappointment hung heavily in the air, almost tangible. I could sense the frustration that she was feeling, and I wondered what had caused it. Her eyes looked tired and her face was etched with lines of disappointment.

She kept quiet for some time and then her eyes met with me as she spoke with a low voice.

"I can't remember anything, I was at that party with you, drinking with Mr Salvatino and then it's all hazy"

She placed her hands on her forehead squeezing it with a little force and letting out a low and sexiest whimper.

"My head hurts so much also my hand-- sorry but I couldn't recall last night at all"

"You were. Drugged "

"What!!! But how and what happened to my hand, why it's all bandaged"

"Think What were you doing with him?"

She again frowned and spoke

"I was drinking because he insisted so much and I don't want him to doubt me and after that, I don't remember what happened at all ----- oh shitt!! , that asshole, he spiked my drink!!"

Without a moment's hesitation, the realization hit her like a ton of bricks. She immediately averted her gaze from me and brought her hands up to cover her face, letting out a sharp curse under her breath.

It was as if she had just come face to face with the consequences of her mistake, and it had hit her hard. Despite her initial composure, it was clear that she was disappointed in herself for making such a mistake.

"I fucked up all the things, I am so sorry Mr Hayden, you told me not to drink but still, I am so sorry because of me you lost him, I caused so many problems to you, I am sorry"

"We got him, don't worry but for fucked up part yeah you did"

"Will you please tell me how what happened and how did you find him?"

"We found you in a hotel room and you were in the bathtub and your hand was slit open and the whole bathroom was filled with blood ----

while he ran away but he didn't get to go far away as my men got him whilst I carried you in my room in my hands and then called your best friend so she could come and take care of you.--

while I dealt with that motherfuker and the rest you already know "

"Oh -- ok, but that's quite a drama"

She let out a small chuckle, her amusement at the situation evident on her face. It was hard for me to fathom how she found any humour in this mess, especially when I had spent the previous night gasping for air and feeling completely helpless.

God what should I do with her !!

"It's not funny, you could also die in that mess and when you're told not to do certain things then you shouldn't "

"Fine!! I am sorry, my mistake you have to deal with all this"

"Hmm" I hummed

"Now if your refrigerator works properly then give me something to eat-- I am starving "

She placed her both hands on her stomach whilst her stomach growled with hunger and I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

"Don't laugh " she narrowed her eyes and pouted oh God she is cute and sassy both at the same time

"Fine -- I already kept your clothes in the bathroom, go and freshen up and I'll go open my properly working refrigerator and make something for you to eat"

I smirked and she threw a pillow toward me but missed the shot.

"Goo already!!"



So much drama right?😂 But it's fun writing it They are cute and together, don't you think?😩

Meet you all in a new chapter with more twists and turns 😚☠️

No cliffhanger for this chapter enjoy the ending

For now byiee loviees🍃⛓️❣️

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