Mrs Jeon smiled and left after pecking his forehead.

With tears streaming down he began to see his husband again who was trying hard to sleep. Taetae panicked when he started to cough suddenly,he hurriedly ran to him and filled a glass of water.

But jungkook pushed his hand lightly glaring at him and laid down but he was coughing badly.

"Hubby please drink water." He pleaded with puppy eyes but that didn't worked today his husband was genuinely very angry at him.

"Go away I don't want anything from your hands, JUST LEAVE ME ALONE."

Taetae's heart broke as he listened to him. More tears brimmed into his eyes, and he silently put the glass on the side table. With heavy eyes filled with tears, he went out, where he saw jungkook's grandma,fearing that he would bump into halmeoni. He hurriedly hid his tears and walked away, afraid that she would scold him.

"Kook, why were you shouting at him, huh?" she asked as she entered inside.

Jungkook sighed. "It's nothing. I was just tired," he replied, trying to cover up his wife's actions.

"I know everything. Your dad told me," she replied, taking a seat beside him.

"Then you should also know why I shouted at him."

"Yes, but your way is wrong."

"What do you mean?" he asked, confused.

"I mean, this time he made a big mistake. He needs a good lesson that being childish all the time is not good. I have an idea, and you will see changes in him," she smirked.

"Woah! What is it?" he asked, making a weird face.

She shared her idea, whispering in his ears, at which he gulped.

"N-no way! He will kill me," he said with pure fear.

"Oh, come on! Be a man, Kook. Be brave. You can do it," she cheered him up.

"A-ahb Grandma, I think my fever is coming back. I need rest. You should also sleep, huh? G-good night," saying this, he hurriedly covered himself with a blanket and closed his eyes.

"Argh! Pussy cat," she threw her hands up in frustration and went out, sulking.
"Mama by dada ish angly on ush?" He asked his innocent bambi eyes hold so many questions in them.

"He is not angry on you he his angry on me." Taetae replied sadly.


Taetae smiled with teary eyes looking at his adorable baby.

"Shay sholly, he bill folgibe ju, he albays folgibe guggie." He said wipping his mother's tears with his smol hands. Taetae sniffled and hugged his bobba ball tightly.

Mrs Jeon who was sitting beside them,knitting a sweater for her little guggie she smiled listening to his adorable talks.

"Glandmaa ishh shoo bootiphul." He said looking at the sweater with sparkly eyes.

"You like it?" She asked stroking his hairs.

"Yeshhh, can ju tweach me I alsho bant to make shame fol my kwids."

Mrs Jeon cluckled she couldn't resist and took him from Taehyung's lap showering him with kisses and hugs.

Taehyung also forgot his misery for a moment and laughed at his baby's cute talks.

But suddenly everyone's smile faded seeing halmeoni approaching them with angry face.

"Guggie baby go to your room I need to talk to your mother." She ordered in a calm tone.

MR Taetae♡ |Taekookff|Where stories live. Discover now