Chapter 7:Hanging Out

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"Hyung-nim is still here and will stay for a little while. Should we invite him for tea? He might be a little lonely." Cale asked his brother who was beside him. They were walking towards nowhere in particular.

"But I still have a class with my tutor at 10. Is it alright if we schedule the tea time for the afternoon?" Basen nodded, giving his brother permission to set the time. Cale smiled a little, although unnoticeable to the naked eye.

"If that's what Hyung wants then I'm okay with it," Basen said happily. Cale patted his head and nodded. "Let's inform him then." The two walked to their destination, with Cale leading the team.

They made their way through the halls of the estate. Alberu was currently staying in their Mansion as they were the only nobility in the territory. Of course, it is also because the Count insisted on the Prince staying with them for a little while. With the reason "It is so Cale can have a playmate."

He did not ask for a playmate, moreover a fiance. Truly, Cale did not know what was going on in his father's mind. But he could not complain about being given a money provider- I mean, a friend. As long as he remains useful for Alberu and vice versa, it's fine. They both gained something in return, at least.

After walking for quite some time, they arrived at the door. Basen assumed that it was the Prince's room, seeing that his Hyung stopped in front of it. Cale walked up to the door and held his hands up. He was about to knock when the door opened.

"Oh, Young Master Cale. May I inquire what you are doing here?" Alberu asked with a shocked face. He did not expect Cale to show up in front of his door. To be honest, he was about to go to Cale as he did not anticipate the possibility of him directly coming to him. Quite unusual isn't it?

"Good morning, Your Highness. I came here to invite you to a tea party I'll have with Basen. That is if you are not busy." Cale said straightforwardly. He motioned to his little brother who was on his right to announce his presence.

"Greetings and Good Morning, Your Highness," Basen said respectfully, with a bow. Alberu smiled brightly at the younger Henituse. Even Basen showed respect to him yet Cale remained disrespectful.

Alberu noticed that little by little, the redhead had been getting even more disrespectful but to be frank, the blonde did not care. It was more comfortable that way, without his status getting in the way of his friendship.

"I'm free for the day. Is it now or scheduled later?" Alberu agreed with the proposal. "Later in the afternoon, I still have to attend some classes," Cale said with a frown on his face. He was annoyed at the fact he still had to learn, he finished his studies decades ago already yet he still had to learn again. Heck, he was even more intelligent than his tutors!

Alberu was quite amused at the sight of the face shown by his Dongsaeng. It was intriguing as Cale almost never showed his emotion. Always wearing a stoic expression. Alberu smiled at his fiance's antics.

"Speaking of which, would you like to join me in my classes or do you have other things to do?" Cale asked his brother, turning to his right to face him better. Oh, he just realized that Basen was the same height as him.

"Is it alright if I join you, Hyung?" The brunette said, with a cute inquiring look. He was quite nervous around his new Hyung. Cale smiled and nodded. "It's decided then, see you later, Hyung-nim." The redhead looked back at the Prince. For a moment he thought that Alberu was frowning but it might've been his imagination as the blonde was smiling brightly toward him.

"You're gonna leave me here? But alright, see you later then, Cale." Alberu said with a hint of fake sadness. Well, it's actually real sadness because he's not able to hang out with Cale immediately but to Cale it sounded so fake.

The redhead rolled his eyes playfully before nodding. "We'll be in the garden by 3. Farewell, Hyung." Cale said before walking out with Basen following behind. They roamed around the estate once again, and they quickly found themselves in front of the room designated for tutoring.

Cale looked at a servant close to them and signaled to open the door. The servant opened the door and stepped aside for the two Henituse to go in. Once they had entered, the servant closed the door. Inside the room was a tutor waiting for Cale with crossed arms. An arrogant posture if you ask me.

"Finally, you're here. What took you so long, Young Master Cale?" The tutor said with an annoyed voice. He was showing clear disrespect to the Henituse heir. This is only his 3rd day teaching him yet he already earned some guts to go against someone with a higher authority. Cale planned to get him fired by the end of the day. Call him petty if you may but this is clearly not how you should treat a child.

Cale sat down on his seat ignoring the rumbling of the tutor. He motioned for Basen to sit next to him and smiled while doing so. Once the brunette sat down, Cale lifted his right leg and crossed it over his left leg. His expression became stoic with a hint of viciousness. His eyes showed his clear distaste for the attitude of the tutor.

The tutor stiffened at the menacing look of the redhead but shrugged it off. He was but a child, there is nothing he is capable of doing as of now. And as an 8-year-old, his mind must be full of colors and happiness. A mere kid would not know anything about his power as the son of one of the wealthiest Counts. Hmm, he could use this child to increase his territory. 'As far as I know, he is a naive child' the tutor turned as he thought. His greed was shown by his ugly smile.

The lesson started and Cale became merciless to the tutor. Answering all his questions perfectly and even going as far as to correct him. And to be honest, there were a lot of mistakes that the tutor made. He was not an efficient teacher at all. And Cale's description of him was the word 'Dumb.'

Soon enough, the tutor broke down crying. He could not believe a mere child was smarter than him! He graduated from a top academy and is highly regarded! He went straight to the Count and said that he'd be quitting his job. He did not say what the reason was but Deruth just let him go.

The Count thought that Cale was not smart in the tutor's standard and gave up trying to teach him. A lot of the tutors he hired were quitting almost immediately. Was his son that hard to teach? Was he being a troublemaker? He was so busy doing his work as a Count that he did not know how his son was doing in his education. Did Cale abandon his studies?

He decided to ask the servants for any reports on his eldest son. And maybe observe if he had the time. But for now, he needs to hire a new tutor once again. Just then a knock was heard. Count Deruth told the person to come in. Once the approval was sent, the door was opened and it showed Cale's butler, Ron.

Ron was the servant hired by Jour, herself. And she explicitly ordered that Ron be the one to take care of Cale. Deruth did not know where she found the butler and why she hired him but he trusted her judgment of Ron not being dangerous. Besides, he was good at his job and took care of Cale in his absence.

Ron bowed and greeted him. The Count responded with a nod. The butler went straight to the point of the reason he went to him. "Young Master Cale wishes to have an instructor. The Young Master said that he wanted to continue learning about swordsmanship once again."

Deruth was quite shocked, Cale had stopped his swordsmanship classes a while ago. But now he wanted it again? Seriously what's going on with his son? Was it because of the engagement with the first Prince? Did he hate it so much that he wanted to distract himself and focus on a different thing? Deruth sighed and just nodded. He needs to hire two tutors then. With how often Cale changes tutors, it would not be surprising if there were no more left to hire. He should have a talk with his son too but right now, he's too much of a coward.






Notice how my writing style had changed? I don't know if it's for the better or the worse. I don't even know how it changed and since when but yeah. Hopefully, it's still readable and did not turn to shit. Anyway, I know the title said 'Hanging Out' but they did not hang out much! I will do a part 2 of this chapter haha. The reason is that the chapter is already too long for me and I'm too tired to do the hanging out part too. So the next part will be out hopefully tomorrow!

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