The city paled even more, stopping for a moment and looking at the black and white television, letting his tears fall even more. He wrapped his hands around himself tightly, as if his whole self-esteem would have vanished to nothing.

"-And anyway, if he would truly care for that poor city, would you think he would expose him to public, would he be this careless? I am not saying anything, but that city will be kidnapped or assassinated before morning. I saw a good potential in Russian before, but seems, he only can spend money and discrediting his own people. He has no power behind his charming face" he said and showed a muffled, but shiny smile. "I would watch out if I were him." he stated, looking straight in the camera - as if he was talking directly to the Russian.

It was clearly a threat.

"Why don't you talkin about how you fuck out the money from everyone you son of a bitch, you bumptious, egoist, shit eatin whore!" growled the Russian, picking up the remote. His eyes turned white in fury, black wings appearing on his back as he swung the remote - throwing it to the TV with a force that the remote pierced through the display.

He breathed heavily in anger , although his eyes gradually turned back from shining white to normal. The city's clapping steps as he was walking in circles, made him snap his gaze to the shaking capital. The fury slowly died out in him, and changed to unbelivable tenderness.

"They will stop if they get bored of it. Do not believe that bitch, he just said it to hackney me." he said softly.

But the city just walked back and forth continuosly, sobbing.



"Petersburg!" he nearly shout, stepping to the city and grabbing his hand roughly and tightly, yanking him closer to him. He grabbed his jaw and made him look him in the eyes.

"Stop." he pronounced slowly and severely.

The city's gaze met his for a moment, then turning away and morfing to a painful expression.
Seeing the city's fear and pain, the Russian released him, and took a step back.

"Moscow..." sniffed the city, speaking quietly, not looking in the eyes of the Empire.


"Moscow. He had been a capital before, he could be again..." he whispered with teary face, and tired, puffy eyes. "They will never see you as an Empire if you have a mere city next to you, like me. I can't give you power and lands. You can choose many other countries as your partner, who would kill to be next to you. They all see me as your fuck-doll, the whole castle- the counties, the cities, all of them see me as whore... and it hasn't been for even half a year since I came up to your section... And now even the public knows it..." he mumbled in a weak voice.

The Russian narrowed his eyes at the city in a heavy silence.

"Look at me Petersburg." he said through gritted teeth. But the capital did not wanted to. The Russian's eyes turned white in anger. "I order you to look at me!" he almost shouted.
The capital snapped his head up, his eyes glowing up, but just as fast returning to normal.
"It won't define my power who is standing next to me. And how long has it been? I love you since our childhood, my father had died 2 years ago, he can't say anything to this anymore. Nobody can." The Russian muttered sharply " And look at Prussia with Brandenburg. Nobody said anything."

"But Brandenburg was an autonomous state before... Prussia didn't do it only out of love but to connect Brandenburg's land to his." Said painfully Petersburg. " And anyway- Prussia is so powerful that nobody dares to say anything. Not even the press..."

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