"okay?" he replies confused.

"I just don't know if i keep going like this" I keep going, taking a step back from him.

"Nova, you're not being serious right now.."  he says, running his hand over his face.

I do a small laugh,

"no, im not" i reply,  "i mean.. i am about the not knowing you part. I feel uncomfortable not knowing big pieces of who you are." I finish

"okay," he starts, sitting down while still staring into my eyes.

I look away, uneasy with the eye contact and the conversation combined.

"what can i do for you, to make you more comfortable around me?" he asks,

I pause, thinking of an answer. I'm actually not sure. some things i'm sure I don't want or need to know but I would still love to know what's happening in his head.

"I don't know.. I want to know what you're thinking... what you're doing when you leave in the middle of the night." I say truthfully.

"I don't need to know every single detail but I just want some type of idea.. you're just so mysterious, it's hard to know what's going on with you."

"I've always been that way, but I guess that's something I can try to work on for you." he says, picking the controller back up.

I do a small smile, placing my hands behind my back just watching him like a creep.

I love how I can express my feelings to him and he actually takes them into account and the conversation becomes constructive. Unlike someone else I know, who would end up hitting me for sharing my feelings...

Happy with the ending of the conversation, I turn around to leave the room. As I place my hand on the door knob, I hear him speak towards me.

"I thought you was staying.." He says defeatedly.

"oh, i was in the middle of lunch with a friend when Ally called. She's been waiting in the living room for me." I say, opening up the door to leave, but facing him as I talk.

He snorts while laughing,

"with Stokeley?.. you better hope she's not easy" He laughing, unpausing the game.

I roll my eyes before leaving the room, closing the door behind me as I make my way towards the living room where the sounds of giggling are originating.

I turn the corner to see Stokeley sitting next to Hazel with Ava in between them both. Stokeley is playing with Ava, who is giggling, probably because his face is funny.

I stand at the entrance of the doorway before Stokeley notices me.

"damn nova, why you ain't tell me you had a pretty ass friend?" He questions,

Hazel just laughs out of flattery.

I hear footsteps come up behind me and I don't even need to turn around to know who it was.

" I don't know...it kinda looks like you might be staying" he says, smugly into my ear.

I push him backwards with my body, before sitting down on the couch adjacent to hazel. Unfortunately, he follows me sitting down next to me.

" You ready Haze? I'm about to call the uber" I say, pulling my phone out.

"yall leaving?" Stokeley asks,

"obviously" I retort back

" yeah, we were in the middle of lunch.... well I guess it's dinner now" she looks at the time on her phone,

the devil in miami • xxxtentacionWhere stories live. Discover now