Here for you

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It's the anniversary of Roslyn's death and JJ isn't doing well, but y/n her girlfriend and support makes sure she knows that she's there for Jennifer no matter what.

Y/n's pov
You wake up at 2 in the morning to light sobs coming from JJ. You knew what today marked so you flipped the lamp on and sat up.

"Jennifer baby" you say leaning over her. "I-I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" JJ says quickly wiping her eyes. "You did but it's alright c'mere" you say pulling her into your arms.

She lets out a shaky breathe as she relaxes into your touch. "I've got you baby" you say running your fingers through her hair as she sobs. "I-I miss her" she cries out looking up at you. "I know sweet girl I've got you" you speak again kissing her scalp.

"Talk to me my love" you say as she lifts her head from your chest. "I-it never really bothered me till after that case, ever since this anniversary makes my chest hurt the dreams come back" she says grabbing onto your hand.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, are you sure we don't need to call off work tomorrow?" You ask pulling her closer. "I'm sure, I can handle it and Emily's already making me take a half day" she says as she starts to close her eyes again.

You lay down holding her close as you both fall back asleep. You make sure to hold her and let her know she isn't alone and you have her.

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You wake up the next morning before JJ. You carefully climb out of bed and go downstairs. Getting coffee ready before going upstairs to make sure Jennifer is ok.

She still sleeping so you quickly hop into the shower before changing. As you tuck your shirt into you slacks the sheets ruffle and JJ sits up. "Good morning sleepy head" you smile kissing her. "Moring" she says her voice horse from the crying the night before.

You sit on the bed and she leans forward bringing you into another kiss. "I've made coffee, so get up and get dressed okay?" You say looking at her. "Mhm" she says nodding her head and climbing out of bed.

You stare at her with a frown. The bags under her eyes showing she isn't sleeping well, the shaking in her hands shows the anxiety she's trying to push back. You watch her as she floats around the room getting ready.

"Y/n?" She says breaking you out of your trance. "Sorry, let me go get the coffee ready" you say walking out of the room. You go downstairs and pour the coffee into yours and jjs travel mugs. She comes downstairs with her bag and looks at you.

"Ready?" She ask taking the mug from you. "Mhm" you smile following behind her and shutting the door behind the both of you. You walk down the driveway and get into the driver side.

She turns on the radio as you pull out of the driveway and head towards Quantico. You notice she's staring out the window. There's nothing behind her eyes.

You carefully reach over and put your hand on her thigh. You notice it jolts her and she looks at you. "You okay beautiful?" You ask. "Mm yeah just thinking" she says as you pull into the parking garage.

"Remember, im here get me at any time of the day if you need me understand?" You say as you turn off the car and look over at her. "Yes I know you've said it 100 times" she says leaning over and kissing you.

You both get out of the car and walk into the fbi scanning your badges. As you step into the elevator JJ grabs your hand. You look over at her about to ask if everything's okay but she cuts you off. "Just want to feel close to you" she says scooting closer.

You smile at her cuteness and let her self sooth. As you walk out of the elevator Penelope is waiting for the both of you. "JJ how are you, is there anything I can do" gracia bombards her with questions.

"I'm fine Penelope, thank you though" she says walking past the both of you. "She not fine is she?" Penelope says look at you. "Nope, she woke up with a nightmare and she's been really shaky all morning but I've got her P" you say patting her shoulder and walking into the bau.

You set your stuff on your desk and walking over to the coffee maker. You make another pot of coffee because everyone else seems to burn it. Once you pour two cups of coffee you walk over to jj's desk and set one down.

"Thank you" she smiles at you. You smile back at her and walk to your desk across from her. You watch as the smile on her face quickly falls and her walls crumble thinking you're not paying attention.

You frown but try not to worry too much. You grab the first file and open it sighing. You take a sip of the coffee and smile to yourself. You can always make a mean coffee.

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It was around half way through the day when you look up at JJ. You see her lip quivering and she quickly stands up. She walks off to the bathroom and you frown.

You wait a few minutes before getting up and following where she went. You walk into the bathroom and she's washing her hands. "Hey you." You say walking up behind her. She turns and looks at you.

She's clearly holding back tears. She throws away the paper towel she was using to dry off her hands. "Come here beautiful" you say coming closer to her and pulling her into a hug.

She starts crying again. Her body shaking with sobs as she grips onto you. "C-can we go home please" you hear her ask. "Of course I'll go tell emily you get your things." You say rubbing her back.

She nods her head and lets go of your shirt. You both walk out of the bathroom and while she goes to her desk you head up to Emily's office. "Hey em, me and JJ are going to take the rest of the day off if that's alright." You say as you get into her office.

"Of course, take care of her." She says looking up at you. "I will, thank you" you say walking out of her office and meeting JJ down at your desk. You both walk out of the bullpen and into the elevator.

She leans her head on your shoulder as you wrap your arm around her waist. "You okay?" You ask kissing her head. "I will be, I just want to be in bed with you." She says as the elevator doors open. You both walk out of the elevator and into the parking garage.

You help her into the car before getting in and starting it. "Music or silence?" You ask her. "Music please" she says leaning her head on the window. You hit shuffle on the folklore album by Taylor swift. Both yours and JJ's favorite album.

As you drive home you look over at her. She's lost her spark in her eyes. They're not as blue as they always are. You reach over and grab her hand. Holding it and drive the rest of the way home.

Once you get into the door she takes her boots off and heads upstairs without a word. You sigh again before doing the same and following her. She's already in bed, she's changed into your hoodie and some panties.

"Come lay with me?" She ask looking at you. "Of course my love just let me change." You say as you walk over to the closet. You change into something more comfortable and climb into bed with her.

She turns over and lays her head on your chest. You rub her back and hum. "Thank you" she says snuggling into you. "For?" You ask confused. "For just being you, always making sure I'm okay." She says as she squeezes you.

"Always baby" you say kissing her forehead. "Now try and get some sleep." You say again pulling the blankets up. "You'll stay?" She ask looking up at you. "Always." You smile at her.

She closes her eyes and lets sleep consume her. You hold her closer making sure she knows you're there.

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