Cam and Jess both look at me like they're parents communicating through some secret nonverbal language on how they want to break the bad news to me.

"Everything." Cam finally says.

"Define everything."

"Your childhood, the case, the verdict- all of it," Jess says this time.

"Who released this?"

"Some website released it before the World Cup and it was taken down last week, but the news reporters seemed to have picked up on some black market screenshots type shit now," Jess answers.

"Do they not have a WHOLE FUCKING WORLD CUP TO REPORT ON? Are we not in one of the most exciting World Cups? Are there not 32 fucking teams with 23 players each? Is there not new upcoming talent that they could be reporting on instead? Is there not these amazing goals players are scoring that they could write on?" I explode and Cam and Jess stay silent. I take a breath. "Is this what T was calling me about then?"

"Yeah," Cam answers this time.

"I'll text her telling her you made it back," Jess adds.

"Don't," I say. "She has a game to worry about, not me."

"At least a text, Bee." Cam starts. "I don't think she'd be able to play well knowing you weren't okay." Cam continues. I nod because she's probably right and Jess texts her saying that I made it back to the hotel and that we're all trying to figure this out.

"I'm assuming T found out about all this first then. How?" I ask.

"She called me first then she called you to warn me in a way. She was flustered- talking fast. I didn't even have a chance to respond before she hung up telling me she was going to call you." Jess says, "But  she told me she was asked about it during her pre-game conference."

"They asked T?" I glare at Jess.

"They assumed because you and T are so close she'd be able to verify if the article was true or not." Jess says. "She lost it in there. Started yelling at everyone."

"That's not like her. That girl was PR trained since she could speak." I shake my head.

"She cares about you. A lot. She'd do anything to protect you." Cam says in an almost whisper. "We all would've done the same I think."

"How are we fighting this?" I ask next.

"I called our media team to see what we can do. Right now, they said we wait for this to die out." Jess explains through gritted teeth. I know she wants to do more, but I understand the PR part of it. I understand that we all have a World Cup to focus on right now and we can't add fuel to the flame.

"I called The Times and told them to take their article down since they were the first one to find the sources, but they wouldn't because it's the most clicks they've ever gotten." Cam has her right fist tightened up.

"So what can I do? Or what do you think I should do?" I ask. Jess looks down in thought.

"It's your story," Cam starts. "You should be the one to share it. Fuck everyone else. You should be the one who chooses how to share or what parts to share. It's fucked up that the news already has parts of it, but in the end, it's your life- your story. People can only speculate unless you put the truth out there."

Cam stops talking as my phone rings. The ringtone of my phone fills the silent room. Jess checks the caller ID for me.

"It's coach." she says before handing me the phone. "No one is expecting you to pick up." I answer the call anyway.

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