xi. Planting Seeds

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Te ayudarían a correr las calles . . .

❛ They would help you run the streets

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They would help you run the streets . . .

It took Eunice the rest of the school day to come up with a way to get back at Isaac. The only problem was that she had never pulled a prank before... like ever. The only way disputes between her and her sisters were ever settled was by good old hair pulling, if it even got to that. One moment her and Jackie could be having a screaming match, the next they could be linking arms on their way to get bubble tea. This was a different case though.

Eunice considered everything. Whoopee cushions, prank calls, shaving cream in the pockets of Isaac's leather jacket. However, she wanted to be mature about this. Calculated.

The best way to get him back is to make him think she's doing the opposite. She had to move in silence. Make him question everything.

When school ended, the scheming began during the ride home. Eunice and Isaac arrived at the car at the same time but Eunice happily gave the boy the window seat. She sat herself in the middle, scrolling through TikTok and showing Nathan, who was to her left, every video that she found funny- which was practically each one she saw.

Isaac couldn't detect an ounce of hard feelings from the girl which made him relieved. Perhaps she was just a forgiving person, he thought.

When the teens arrived home, Eunice immediately sprung into action. She lingered behind the boys as they all walked into the home. She watched as Isaac took off his coat and threw it on a chair in the living room, quickly following Lee and Danny into the kitchen.

Eunice waited until they were out of sight to sneak into the living room and pick up Isaac's jacket. She paused when she saw Benny sitting on the floor with his building blocks. The two held eye contact until Eunice put her finger up to her lips, silently asking the boy to keep quiet. He only grinned at her and went back to his toys.

She tiptoed to the hooks by the front door and hung the jacket on one. When she went back to the living room to play the part of an innocent bystander, she listened as her plot unfolded.

Isaac walked in. ''Where's my jacket?'' He asked the girl with squinted eyes.

Eunice looked up from her phone with a look of confusion. ''I'm sorry?'' she asked.

''My jacket, it was right here,'' Isaac continued, glancing around in search of it.

''I didn't see it,'' she shrugged, focusing back on her screen. The boy retreated into the kitchen to argue with his brother.

"Bro, what did I tell you about touching my stuff?''

''What are you talking about?'' Lee argued back. ''I didn't touch anything.''

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