i. Arrival

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En el día de tu cumpleaños . . .

❛ On the day of your birthday

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On the day of your birthday . . .

The hardest part about leaving home was packing everything. Eunice's mom's brother, Richard gave her and her sister twenty boxes total for all their belongings. Jackie got to packing first though, and only six boxes were left for Eunice to use. She still had two suitcases though... until Jackie needed somewhere to put her cardigans and suddenly she had one and a half suitcases.

    Eunice made Jackie give her the window seat on the plane for the 18 hour flight. Throughout this she listened to the same dozen songs on a loop. By the time they landed, she could practically see the lyrics behind her eyelids. As the ground got closer and closer, she thought she could see skyscrapers in the distance but it was only trees, fields, trees, fields, and more trees, and more fields.

    The two Howard sisters wandered through the airport, trying to find the location they were told to meet Katherine and George Walter at. It would be hard for Eunice to spot them though, considering she's never met them once.

    "Is that them?" Eunice asked, nodding towards a man and a woman.

    "No, that's just a random middle aged white couple," Jackie said, dismissing her little sister.

    "Well then all hands on deck here. I can't be the only one doing the looking-"

    "Shh. Hi, Uncle Richard," Jackie greeted, holding her phone in front of her face. Her AirPods were in, making Eunice unable to hear the full conversation. The younger girl peaked her head into the camera frame and waved at the man who smiled back and gave her a "Hi, Eu," that she couldn't hear. Eunice went back to the cart that was carrying her luggage and continued examining every person who could've been their new guardians.

    ''Fine... yup,'' Jackie muttered. She then peered over her screen and noticed a couple walking straight for the two girls. Jackie nudged her sister. ''I think I see them, I better go.''

    Eunice watched as a red haired woman and a tall man in a brown coat strolled towards them with smiles. "Jackie, Eunice,'' the woman began with a content sigh, ''Hi.''

    The two spoke in unison, ''Hi.'' Jackie wore a smile while Eunice simply made sure she got her words out clearly in front of the two unfamiliar people. The woman stopped to stare at the girls, her eyes lingering on Jackie for a longer moment. She then pulled them into a hug that Jackie accepted but Eunice tensed at.

    ''I'm so happy you're here,'' she said.

    ''Thanks, Katherine,'' Jackie smiled.

    ''So,'' Katherine began with a laugh, ''You remember George, Jackie?''

    ''Hi, George,'' Jackie greeted.

    ''Eunice this is my husband, George,'' Katherine formally introduced.

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