part 11

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?? : wake waky princess
?? : wake up baby see what we brought for you wake up love
?? : what is it mama
Mom : happy birthday princess 🎂
Dad : Happy birthday my baby wake up make a wish and lets cut the cake yaa
Small baby: thank you mama dada you both are the best

Saying this the baby and the couple cut the cake and celebrate their baby birthday who is looking so happy after the cake cutting she is sleeping in middle of her parents while her father telling her some stories to make her sleep and suddenly

Dada: princess
Baby: yes dada
Dada: will you promise us one thing for mama and Dada if we ask
The small baby is so confused hearing that but nevertheless she said she will do and what is it.
Dada: then baby promise me and mama that what ever the situation and whenever you are and whatever you doing if situation is not in your hands and at the time you feel like you can't take it anymore don't ever think do something with yourself
Baby: I don't understand dada
Mama: baby Dada is saying in future we will not stay with you and you may face so many problems but you have to be strong for us and stand for yourself and never ever think that i can't take it anymore I want to end this life I don't want to live, never think like this ok because this your life is ours baby you don't know what situation we face to brought you in this world and we don't want that to end it with you hands

The small baby don't have any idea about what there parents are talking but she knows that everything they are saying is about never give up on your life for anything.

Baby: ok mama dada i will never think or do anything like you told me
Dada: promise me that my princess will stay strong in everything what ever will she face in future promise mama Dada baby
Baby : promise mama Dada

Like this the family spend their day with so much happy laughter but the small baby don't know what she promised to her parents and what she will gonna face in future.


Tae is sleeping and she having a dream but suddenly she wake up from the sleep and look here and there to search where is she when she realize that she is in their bedroom but how did she came here.

Tae pov

How come I came here I remember that i went to my old apartment and iam searching for anything that related to my past but suddenly i feels like my head is going to blast and next second I lose my conscious
But how I came here don't tell me hubbys brought me here then iam doomed what you are thinking taehyungie who else will take you here definitely hubbys brought me here now I am hundred percent sure that they will mad at me first I left the house without telling them and it make it more worse that i felt unconscious there only please god save me from my husbands please 🥲🥲 I don't want to they will angry at me you know my husbands are look scary when they are angry you know please someone save me from them please army save you Tae Tae from those scary people please 🥺🥺 I am good girl right you will save me right right 🥺🥺

O my god now how will i face them definitely today something is going to happen to me please god
Save me

Tae pov end

Bts pov

O god that's why we hate meeting it's been 2 hours but still the meeting is continue we are just waiting for it to complete so that we can go to home spend whole day with our wifey we just thinking about the morning incident she is just looking hot in that dress if we don't have this stupid meeting we will be having her in our arms and doing something which we badly want to do, you know what we are saying but don't worry darling after ending meeting we will come running to you

Finally the meeting is end now we are going to our home but something feeling strange today but we can't identify what is it with the thought we left to mansion entering into mansion something is off every day when we came home Tae will come running towards us and jump on us but today no sign of her we thought that maybe she is in our bedroom with that we all went to our room only to get welcome from empty room.

We all look at each other we all are having same expression that where is Tae with that we all ran into different direction of our mansion to search about Tae

After 30 minutes

We All are sitting in living room after search in whole mansion we didn't find anything about her and she didn't tell us that she is going somewhere after lots finding suddenly we thought to check on cctv photage in that we came to know that she left to somewhere without telling us we are so angry that how can she leave the mansion without informing us but after some time we thought that maybe she left market for some things so we don't want to just jump into conclusion so we thought to wait for some time for her to come and ask ourselves that why she left without informing us.

Bts pov end

It's been two hours still she didn't return Or she didn't call or message them where is went they can't just sit and wait for her to come.

Suga: jhope track Tae number we will find where is she
Jhope: but hyung
Rm: yes jhope don't worry nothing will happen she will not angry with us ok she will understand that we worry for her that's why we did it ok go on track it it's been already 6 hours she left the house we don't know where is she
Jk: yes hyung just go and track it I don't know where is she but iam having bad feeling about it
Jimin: don't worry nothing will happen to her ok

After searching for 5 minutes they got to know that she in her old apartment they are thinking that why suddenly she went to there

Jin: apartment why she went to there suddenly
Jk: we also thinking that only hyung
Jimin: hyung by any chance did she remember about her past

Hearing him they all are feel sudden fear run through there body that what if she remember that they are not real husbands what will happen so many thoughts running in their mind and sudden fear of losing Tae made them to feel something in their heart but they all came out from there thought when
Jk: hyung we can't just sit here fear without knowing anything let's just go there see what if there is something wrong.

And they all left to apartment while praying to god keep her safe. But they don't know what is waiting for them their what will be there reaction seeing that.

Bts pov

When we got to know that Tae went to her apartment without informing us made us sudden fear that did she remember something what will happen if she remember will she leave us so many negative thoughts are coming but fear replace with little bit of hope because even we married her without knowing but atleast she will understand us why we did and we really love her she will give us another chance to be with her right we didn't did any sin we just love her loving someone is not wrong right with the thought we all left towards our car which we all can easily fit in it and drive to the apartment. After driving like 30 minutes we arrived there and we all went to inside the door is not locked so we all looking here and there while calling her we checked everywhere but we didn't find her why this happening to us god with that we went to bedroom

There are so many pictures are hanging in walls in them Tae is looking is beautiful but it's not the time to think so with that we searching.

Jimin: hyungs look there is another door

When jimin said another room we all immediately went to the room only to get our heart break it into million peaces looking the seen in front of us there Tae lying on floor unconscious, with out a second we went towards her and she is sweating so much and and her whole body is shivering so immediately jk lift her in his arms and we all went towards our mansion while jhope inform our doctor to come to our mansion fast. They are thinking only one thing that what happened to her to get into this situation they can't find any answer only tae can only say what happen there. Don't scare us like this baby please be okay for us 😣

They all reached at mansion and went inside with Tae in jk arms who is still unconscious.

After some time doctor came out checking Tae bts are waiting outside the room when doctor came they immediately came towards the doctor and asking how is she what happen to her suddenly.

Doctor: don't worry nothing happen to her it's just she is giving much stress to her mind to remember about the past that's the reason she passed out because of so much pressure ok just take care of her and explain her that she don't need to remember everything with much difficult when the time come she will remember everything ok i will take my leave and here this are medicine give her after having something.

With that doctor left and bts went inside room with only one thought in their mind that why she suddenly want to know about her past.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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