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Today is the day that Chico is gonna ask out Desiree on a date
Chico pov : I'm really excited but kinda nervous my friends are calling me a pussy 🙄🙄 cause apparently they don't think I'm gonna ask out des
But I finna text her.
Wsppp - Chico
Heyy- des
How are uu beautiful -Chico
I'm good handsome hbu- des 
I'm aight you tryna come over today - Chico
I mean yeahh if that cool with you -des
Mhm def !!!
I'll texted you when I'm here
Desiree pov: I need to pick out an outfit

Desiree outfitPerfect- Desiree Anyways I should get going- des When are you going - des mom Umm to Chico house ??? - des If that okay with you ??- des ooOoo your boyfriend - des mom Mama he's not my boyfriend - des Yet - des mom Okay mama- des Do ...

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Desiree outfit
Perfect- Desiree
Anyways I should get going- des
When are you going - des mom
Umm to Chico house ??? - des
If that okay with you ??- des
ooOoo your boyfriend - des mom
Mama he's not my boyfriend - des
Yet - des mom
Okay mama- des
Do you want to drive you - des mom
Sure -des
But - des
It coz I need to go to work honey -des mom
Okay mama but it your always working -des
I know hija but yk what can we do -des mom
Ik -des
Get it the car -des mom
Okay -des
They get in the car
And Desiree mom put her playlist it mostly Spanish songs so imitadora- Romeo santos playing
Des and her mom start to sing
Put his address on my phone - des mom
Okay mama - des
Desiree and her mom are currently in the car
When desiree gets a text from Chico
You almost here - Chico
Yeahh - des
Bettt - Chico
After that 15-20 minutes car rides they finally arrive at Chico house
Gracias - des
De nada mi amor - des mom
Call me if you need anything- des mom
I will , love you 😘- des
Love you too - des mom
Desiree mom drive off
I'm here - des
Okay I'm coming - Chico
Heyy daisy - des
Heyy des - Daisy
Where is your brother -des
Gurl I thought you for me -daisy
Gurl I always here for you- Desiree
Mhmm you better hang out with me later -daisy
I will promise -des
Okayy -daisy
Daisyyy bro I swear on my life -Chico
What did I do - daisy
Chico calm down -des
Aight I'm calm -Chico
Let go to my room -Chico
They start to playing like uno
I'm gonna win watch - Chico
Okay someone is getting cocky - Desiree
I'm not I'm just have confidence - Chico
Mhmm if you say so - Desiree
Okay you can't do that - Desiree
Yeah I can- Chico
The rules don't say that - Desiree
Yes they do sweetie - Chico
Yeah yeah whatever - Desiree
Andddd I winnn told u- Chico
You were just lucky- Desiree
Yeah right - Chico
I'm coming back I'm gonna grab something I'm be right back - Chico
Oh ok - Desiree
Okay Chico you can do this - Chico whispering
Chico do you extra OH MYY- Desiree
Chico u don't have to I can't I don't know I just can't- Desiree
Your welcome - Chico
Bro you are so sweet and your amazing so glad to have you in my life- Desiree
Bro Desiree - chico
Desiree kisses Chico
U tryna go out tmr- Chico
Are you asking out on a date
maybe i am - Chico
I would love too- Desiree
Desiree starts kisses Chico
Mijo qué quieres del supermercado?- Chico mom
Mama En serio, mami, en este momento?- Chico
Si im leaving now - Chico mom
The usual- Chico
Oh ok - Chico mom
And for your novia - Chico mom
Awww you don't have to- Desiree
Mija it fine- chico mom
Could I please have takis and sour patch and some fruitopia - Desiree
Of course - Chico mom
Bye - Chico mom
Bye mom - Chico
Byeee - Desiree
Here the basket that Chico have Desiree

Desiree outfitPerfect- Desiree Anyways I should get going- des When are you going - des mom Umm to Chico house ??? - des If that okay with you ??- des ooOoo your boyfriend - des mom Mama he's not my boyfriend - des Yet - des mom Okay mama- des Do ...

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Anyways wait you tryna rn - Chico
Idk I'm pretty tired - Desiree
Get rest - Chico
Okayy - Desiree
Desiree is start to fall asleep and Chico is currently on phone watching sun Disney plus
Then Desiree falls asleep
She so cute - Chico
Chico takes a pic of her

Imagine this is Desiree Chico is start to fall asleep aswell Chico mom came back from the store Heyy guys I brought your stuff oh - Chico momChico mom notices that Desiree mom called herSo Chico mom called her momHeyy - Chico momis this Desiree mo...

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Imagine this is Desiree
Chico is start to fall asleep aswell
Chico mom came back from the store
Heyy guys I brought your stuff oh - Chico mom
Chico mom notices that Desiree mom called her
So Chico mom called her mom
Heyy - Chico mom
is this Desiree mom- Chico mom
Yes your Chico mom right - Desiree mom
Yes I just wanted to say that Desiree is probably gonna sleep over tonight if that okay with you- Chico mom
Yes it fine -Desiree mom
thank you- Chico mom
no problem- - Desiree mom
Chico mom takes a pic of Chico & Desiree

Imagine this is Desiree Chico is start to fall asleep aswell Chico mom came back from the store Heyy guys I brought your stuff oh - Chico momChico mom notices that Desiree mom called herSo Chico mom called her momHeyy - Chico momis this Desiree mo...

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Imagine this is Chico & Desiree

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