Chapter 73 Trap

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Zhang Yan still comes every day to report the latest situation at the base to Bai Chacha.

  Song Yan and Bai Chacha would pick up a mission and go out every two days.

  One is to kill zombies and dig out crystal cores, and the other is to see Li Shunan.

  They have never encountered a higher level zombie that they can upgrade. The level 3 zombies they encountered are already the highest. What they need is a level 5 crystal core.

  Li Shunan's eyes never changed again, and he seemed to be no different.

  It was boring for him to hide, so he had to follow the two of them to the jungle to complete tasks every time.

  Since the private research institute was bombed, Han Bingyu and his bodyguards in black have never been out again.

  Bai Chacha and Song Yan have been waiting for an opportunity to visit the Han family villa.

  According to the information brought back by Doubao, those people were hiding in Han Bingyu's house.

  On this day, Doubao was sleeping on the sofa, and Bai Chacha was watching Song Yan boxing.

  Zhang Yan suddenly knocked on the door excitedly and came in.

  "Miss Xiaobai, I brought back a big news today!"

  Bai Chacha asked sadly, "What news?"

  During this time, all she heard were trivial things in the base, but every time Zhang Yan She was always able to tell these little things vividly and cheerfully, which she really admired.

  She was happy to hear different wonderful stories every day, but she wanted to find a chance to get down to business as soon as possible.

  The military department is really calm. It has been so long since Li Yingbei came back, but there is still no movement at all.

  Are you planning a big move?

  While she was thinking wildly, she heard Zhang Yanshen say mysteriously: "The military department is taking the lead to take the elites of the other two factions out to perform a special mission.

  I asked about it and it was to pick up weapons from the ammunition depot. After the mission is completed, the military will The other two factions will get two each.

  The Xu family and the Han family have taken action and are already making preparations. The young masters from both families will go."

  Bai Chacha's eyelids twitched, "Is the news reliable?"

  Zhang Yan straightened his chest and patted Pat, "That must be reliable! There is no news that I, Zhang Yan, can't find out!"

  Bai Chacha gave him an appreciative look, expressing her affirmation, and then asked the most crucial point: "Are you sure what day they will set off? ?"


  "It's good that it's so soon."

  Bai Chacha and Song Yan looked at each other and smiled. After waiting for so many days, the opportunity has come.

  In a good mood, Bai Chacha went to the room and not only brought Zhang Yan a bag of instant noodles, a braised egg, and a piece of ham, but also gave him a bag of hot pot base and a bottle of eight-treasure porridge.

  But Zhang Yan was so excited.

  Especially that pack of hot pot base ingredients, he saved a little bit and could eat it for several meals. It was oily and very fragrant.

  Cook some noodles, some frozen meatballs, ham sausages, etc. They are all great!

  He kept half of it for himself and cut half of it to the black market to exchange for other supplies.

  Zhang Yan left happily.

  Bai Chacha couldn't help laughing. This Zhang Yan was quite interesting. If he had such a teammate, it would definitely be fun on the road.

  But she immediately shook her head just thinking about it.

  She was doing well in the base, had food and drink, and the most important thing was safety, so why follow her outside among the zombies.

  The base in City A is quite safe. If the military has more power in the future, the base in City A will only get better and better.


  Chacha and Song Yan went out to meet Li Shunan again, and sure enough they got a more precise plan from Li Shunan.

  The ammunition depots do exist, but they have been moved by the military, and what is left there is just an empty shell.

  Early the next morning, the military selected a group of elites and organized Xu Ziyuan's hunting team, together with Han Bingyu and his black-clad bodyguards, to go on a mission.

  Li Yingbei followed the team in a low-key manner. Even if Han Bingyu was at the fourth level, he could not stop them. The military headquarters had already reached a consensus with the merchant faction in private to kill politicians like them first.

  There are indeed arms, but they are divided between the military and the merchant faction, but not the Han family.

  They had already set the trap in advance and were waiting for the fish to take the bait.

  Naturally, Xu Ziyuan, Bai Yayi and others were all there.

  Bai Yayi looked at the Han family's car absentmindedly.

  Xu Ziyuan had locked himself in his room a few days ago and didn't want to talk to her. In the past two days, for some reason, he suddenly started to look at her so closely that she couldn't even go to Han Bingyu.

  She had been laying the groundwork for so many days, and she originally thought about asking Han Bingyu to get her a fourth-level crystal core.

  After treating Han Bingyu several times, she had already discovered that Han Bingyu was a level four superpower.

  Although I don't know why he hides his strength, it is undeniable that Han Bingyu is the strongest man in the base.

  Since he could become a level four superpower himself, it would not be difficult to help her get a level four crystal core.

  Now they are all messed up by Xu Ziyuan!

  I wonder if I can find a chance to meet Han Bingyu alone on the way to the mission.

  She didn't want to be in the hunting party anymore.

  Every time she saw Xu Ziyuan and Wu Qingqing, she thought about her current space of less than 50 cubic meters, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became.

  It was all my fault that these people, despite having so many supplies at home, still insisted on sharing the small amount of her space with an orphan, causing her space to shrink continuously.

  Moreover, she also had to endure Xu Ziyuan's unstable and weird emotions. Sometimes he avoided her like a snake and scorpion, and sometimes he had a strong desire to control her.

  Simply sick! She can't stand it anymore!

  Since Han Bingyu liked her so much, she might as well let Han Bingyu get her away from Xu Ziyuan.


  Chacha and Song Yan hid in the crowd and watched a motorcade drive out of the base.

  "Han Bingyu is not bringing the bodyguard in black with the scar on his face. He should be staying in the base."

  Bai Chacha shrugged nonchalantly, "Anyone can stay in the base."

  Han Bingyu is a special fourth-level superpower. He has already left, even if he hides another level 4, it won't be a big problem. After all, Song Yan is also level 4, and her physical ability is level 5.

  This mission was originally aimed at the Han family.

  That night.

  After the two disguised themselves, they sneaked into Han Bingyu's house with bean bags.

  The villa was quiet and dark.

  Bai Chacha hid in the dark with Song Yan based on the small energy map in his mind and his perception of the fluctuations of supernatural powers.

  A crack was exposed in the door of a room on the first floor, and light came from inside.

  There was the sound of playing mahjong inside, mixed with the sounds of men talking.

  "If Brother Dao knows that we don't keep a good guard but is playing here, we will be in trouble."

  "You're a coward. I won't play until the last round. Let's go and do whatever you're supposed to do." "

  Come on, come on, throw the dice."

  As soon as he finished speaking, the door to the room was pushed open completely from the outside. Several invisible space blades rotated in front of the mahjong table.

  Four Level 2 human heads rolled to the ground with their eyes wide open.

  After dealing with the minions on the first floor, the two went up to the second floor and stood at the door of a bedroom.

  This room is the only one on the entire second floor with people in it.

  There was a strange sound in the room.

  Both of them are adults, so they naturally understand. Bai Chacha's face suddenly turned red and she felt a little embarrassed.

  Fortunately, it was dark in the villa and no one saw me.

  Bai Chacha pushed open the door of the room fiercely, but there was no light in the room.

  Through the moonlight, one can see a man and a woman on the bed, inextricably entangled.



  It was the voice of a young woman and a middle-aged man.

  The middle-aged man is a third-level superpower, and the young woman is an ordinary person.

  Without giving them much time to react, Song Yan released his supernatural power again. The invisible space blade was like the scythe of death, neatly harvesting the woman's head.

  Blood sprayed on the man's face, and the man was so frightened that he pushed the woman's body under him to the bed.

  He was trembling all over and released the water column towards the two of them, but his fingers were pulled by the vines and bent to point at himself.

  The vines grew very fast, and in an instant they turned him into a silkworm chrysalis.

  "Who are you? Do you know who I am? I am Han Bingyu's father! If you dare to touch me, Han Bingyu will not let you go!"

  The man threatened loudly, as if this could embolden him.

TTBEW: Refusing to be a cannon fodder female supporting role (MTL)Where stories live. Discover now