Good... morning?

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"Good morning, Snow Princess! Time to get up!"

Bernard says, walking into her bedroom and stopping once he realizes she wasn't in bed. He looks around, trying to figure out where she had gone.

"Ah, good morning, Bernard. How was your night?"

Alexis asks, walking out of her bathroom. She had on insulated leggings, a black tennis skirt, and a white sweater. She had obviously been up for a while.

Her alarms had woken her up about an hour and a half ago. So, Alexis had plenty of time to get up. Her hair was up in a ponytail, her curls flowing down her back and looking oh so beautiful.

"I- uh, it was alright. How long have you been up, Snow Princess?"

Bernard asks, shaking himself out of his thoughts. He looked her up and down before looking back to her eyes, her grey eyes that were always filled with wonder and curiosity.

"About an hour."

She replied, fixing her hair slightly before grabbing her phone. She slipped it in her pocket and walked closer to him, stopping not to far in front of him.

"Why are you up so early?"

He asked, ignoring the fact that she had made a point to stop in front of him. In his mind, if you ignore it then it didn't happen. That wasn't how the world works, but that's what he believed.

"My alarms."

She responded without a single thought, looking at her nails instead of at him. She looked up at him when he spoke, but didn't move her head. She was looking at him with those innocent doe eyes of hers.

"Ah, that makes sense. Now, come on. Let's get some food in you and then we can start the day."

Bernard said, heading out of her room with her in tow. He had to duck under the door, much like Alexis, because he was taller than most of the elves.

"So, how is this going to work? Am I essentially going to be your apprentice for majority of the year?"

Alexis questioned, walked out of the door as well. She also had to duck below the door frame. The factory hadn't started up yet, which made the silence quite creepy.

"Yeah, pretty much."

Bernard wasn't phased by the silence, for he was usually the first one in the factory. He liked being early to work. To him, early was on time. And on time, well, then you were late.

"You should let me style you one day."

Alexis said, thinking aloud as she walked with him. She was actually interested in doing it. She wants to see what he'd look like if she had the chance to take his clothes and style them how she wanted to.


Bernard stopped for a second and looked at her. His face said it all. It shows both his surprise and disinterest in doing the activity. He wasn't about to let her pick his clothes.

"You heard me."

She looks at him and raises her eyebrows, knowing full well that he heard her. He wasn't her father, Bernard had good hearing, he just chose to ignore certain things.

"But, I have a very distinct style."

Bernard protested, continuing to walk to the kitchen. He wasn't letting her dress him. No way in all of the lights on earth is he letting her do that. No.

"I'll use your clothes. I just want to put an outfit together."

She insisted, trying to get him to give in. She was just thinking aloud at first, but now she was going to jump behind her thoughts. If she can't back up what she says, then she doesn't hold true to her word.

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