"Is he crazy?"

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I stepped into the side walk of the street with only a few people making their way to either school or work. They gasped as they saw me pass by, I didnt look twice, I was used to these daily gasps , winces and whispers. I turned into the lane which led straight to the school, it was already crowded with students who winced as they saw me. The whispers started to emanate through the street.

"Oh my god, why does she even come to school?"

"Bet the reason she wears that hoodie is cuz she's actually ugly"

How I wished that last comment was true. Even though these remarks were whispered they were puposely loud enough for me to hear. It actually made me laugh when I thought about the situation, were people that dumb to think that after enduring this harsh treatment all my life, I would fall to the ground, sobbing about the awful comments I heard EVEY SINGLE day?

Lost in my thoughts I didnt hear running footsteps behind me. Suddenly my books were flying out of my hands and I fell face first to the floor. Laughter rang in my ears as I started to gather my books. I saw the culprit walk foward without apologizing with a triumphed smirk on her face. I went back to getting my books when a pair of feet wearing expensive looking shoes were standing in front of me. I watched as the legs bent into a crouch and a hand picking up my fallen books and handing them to me. Was I hallucinating? I knew no one would help me. I mean no one helped me in the past 15 years why would they start now?

The sudden roar of conversation from everyone around me confirmed that I wasn't hallucinating.

"Dude, what's up with that guy?"

"Is he crazy?"

"Maybe she hypnotised him!"

I looked up to see the face of this "crazy" guy. My eyes met a pair of ocean blue eyes, his black hair coming down a little below his ears. His face was milky white, almost as white as mine, with bangs reaching his eyebrows. His lips were placed into a smile.

"That was rude", he said as we straightened up

"Uh.....yeah, thanks" I replied still wondering if this guy was thinkning in his right mind, come to think of it I had never seen him before, someone with a face like that was bound to be well known.

"Tetsu!" I heard a voice shout from behind me

I turned around to see Orihime Kannagi running towards us. She was the daughter of the current president of the Kannagi company which was my dad's brother, in other words she was unfortunately my cousin.

Her make up smothered face was arranged into a frown as her eyes landed on me. "Testu! what are you doing?' she said in her annoying fake girly voice.

"Noth-" he started to say.

"Are you crazy?" She cut across him "I told you to wait for me, now look what you got yourself into!"

"What do you mean?" He asked clearly confused

"What I mean is you spoke to her" she said pointing at me as if I didnt know what she was saying, but hey I was used to people talking about me like I was a "thing".

"You can't associate with the witch!' She hissed loudly

"Wha- Witch?! He said the crease in his forehead getting deeper

"Oh nevermind, I'll explain later" she sighed dragging him away. He turned his head giving a half confused, half apologetic look. I gave him a confused look too although he couldnt see it under my hood. I began to continue down the road towards the school where I was sure, a new rumour would soon be born.

Like I told you I could never have a perfect day.

Yeah its really short but seriously have no idea how to get people to read my book. so if you like it please recommend it to your friends please!! I thank everyone who gave it a try and comment please!!!

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