Randy watched her as she grabbed a dusting cloth and began to clean the cabinet where the television was placed. "Are you staying for long here?" She asked again, not even turning to look at him, bending down to remove the dust from the coffee table.

The man gulped, resisting that temptation was becoming even harder than he thought. He cleared his throat to reply the girl. "Just few minutes." He then got up and approached her, grabbing her wrist to make her stand up and face him.

"What's your problem now?" Sylwia narrowed her eyebrows. "Can't you keep it in your pants?" There was a challenging look in her eyes as she spoke, in such a teasing voice. "I swear every porn film begins like this."

Keep being serious after that was impossible, as Randy couldn't help but chuckle. "Sounds like you're an expert." He teased her back, causing her to shrug carelessly as response. His eyes met hers, and for a while it was like Randy was so hypnotised that couldn't even speak. "Sylwia." He breathed out, his eyes then lingering on her freshly filled lips.

The young Pole noticed how the man was kinda blacking out. "Randy." She said back, laying her hands on his chest, giving him the doe eyes. Sylwia would be lying if saying she didn't enjoy a little bit seeing the man almost at her feet; that was a total burst of ego, as she needed it even bigger. "Were you saying something?"

"You're such a tease." The man spoke, chuckling. He placed his hands around her waist, killing the already minimal distance between them. "Go out with me tonight." He finally said, clearly getting all the girl's attention with such an invitation.

Sylwia was clearly taken back by this, but quickly recomposed herself, waving back her hair. "Where are my flowers then?" She asked. There was no way she would have accepted, if she didn't get her princess treatment. "You brought them, didn't you?"

Randy narrowed his eyebrows, amused by the girl's behaviour. "Flowers? Must have forgotten along the way."

"No flowers, no date." The blonde girl shook her head, moving her hand from his chest to his neck. "But, if you are desperate tonight, with all your money I can assume you're going to find a lady trying to satisfy your needs!"

At that, the man rolled his blue eyes. Why did she believe he only wanted her for sex? Yes, the attraction was clear to anyone, but Randy rated her more than just her enchanting looks. "Let's make this clear once for all, Sylwia." He said. "You're never gonna be a one night stand, or a price to get, for me, okay? Go out with me tonight, a real date. Let me understand, together with you, where this thing, whatever it is, will lead us."

"I will." Sylwia smirked, for then slightly pushing him away, creating some distance between them again. "But just after getting my princess treatment, Randy Orton." There was a challenging look in her blue eyes. "I want to see how far you're willing to go for me."

It was a challenge, almost a provocation from Sylwia, but luckily for him, Randy loved challenges and would never have backed down from one, especially one so tempting. He leaned in, near her ear so he could speak slowly, giving her goosebumps on her back. "Careful with what you wish for, little girl." He said. "Games are on then, Sylwia Wodiczko. Start preparing your best dress, because soon I will take you out."

Sylwia smirked again. "Two can play a game, big man." She spoke, cupping his face into her left hand and leaning in to leave a kiss between his cheeks and lips. "Now leave, I have a busy schedule."

At that, Randy smirked back, blinking an eye at her. "Fine. See you soon then."

What followed next, thou, was anything but a game.

October 2023

An employee finished placing the microphone on Sylwia, who was just waiting for the moment to enter the WWE The Bump studio. Her first time in that studio and her first interview since she announced she was returning to wrestle.

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