"I am excited to see Kenna!" Greer spoke with enthusiasm as Mary giggled at her friend

"Then let us start the day so we can see her as soon as possible." Mary said as Greer quickly stood retrieving the plates and handing them to the maid in the hall before the two walked to Mary's office quarters to begin the day.

Mary quickly wrote to her cousin, wanting her to be clear that Mary had no interest in her throne.

Dearest Cousin Elizabeth,
I am writing you on the account of the rumors that I wish to take your throne. I wish to proclaim that I have no such interest. I only wish for peace between England and the courts I rule. I respect your rule and the honor you do it for, in name of Aunt Anne. I hope you see the truth in my words and that we can converse soon, not only as queens but as cousins and family.

Love, your cousin, Mary, Queen of Scotland and France

Mary sighed as she looked over her letter before requesting Greer to retrieve Delhmer, Greer doing so and quickly.

"My Queen, you wished to see me?" Delhmer asked as Mary smiled and stood.

"Indeed I have. I would like you to send this to my cousin Queen Elizabeth's pager right away." Mary said as Delhmer nodded and immediately went to do so.

Mary sighed as the doors closed, turning to her Greer.

"Now that I have sent the letter, let us go see Kenna. We still have 5 hours of daylight left." Mary said as Greer squealed and immediately went to retrieve their coats and horses.

Soon later the two arrived at Bash and Kenna's cottage, smiling at the air of homeyness they gave it.

Mary and Greer quickly placed there horses outside their home before knocking on the door to the cottage.

The door was quickly opened to show Kenna who squealed at the sight of her friends and Queen.

"Mary! Greer!" Kenna said as she hugged her friends before ushering them inside her home.

"My love? Who is that?" Bash asked before he saw Mary and Kenna, smiling at the sight of his wives friends.

"Mary, Greer, how lovely to see you!" Bash said as he hugged each of them before returning to Kenna's side.

"What brought you here?" Kenna asked as Mary smiled at her former Lady in Waiting.

"We have hours of daylight left and we chose to spend it with you." Mary spoke as Kenna smiled.

"Yay! Come to kitchen! I'm making tea!" Kenna said as Mary and Greer made their way to the kitchen, sitting opposite to Bash and Kenna, the former on his lap.

"How is your marriage conversing?" Mary asked as Kenna turned to Bash with a bright smile, the two exchanging a look before turning to Mary.

"Very well! In fact, we will have a little one with us within 8-9 months!" Kenna said as Greer and Mary gasped

"That's amazing!" Greer and Mary exclaimed as Kenna laughed at her friend's excitement.

"Indeed. So Mary, how are things with Francis progressing?" Kenna asked as Greer and Mary went silent.

"Well he has chosen to keep Lola and his child close to him." Mary said as Kenna and Bash frowned, wishing that Francis would smarten up and realize what he has.

"Not only that but Lola had the nerve to make it seem as thought Mary was at fault and being a bad friend! Mary told Lola she was going to be sent to a different housing but Lola went to Francis who confronted Mary, telling her he was going to keep Lola close by to which Mary explained Lola would have no access to Mary's fund. Lola will have to work for everything she requires." Greer stated as Kenna's eyes went wide.

"How dare she! She has no right!" Kenna yelled as Bash tried to calm his wife.

"And not only that but it led to Francis hitting Mary..." Greer spoke quietly as Kenna turned to a quiet Mary.

"Oh Mary.." Kenna stated softly before rushing forward, gathering her friend in a hug with Greer, the two women trying to comfort their friend.

"That bastard!"

The three women turned to see and enraged Nash who stood pacing.

"Bash-" Mary tried to say but Bash would not have it

"No! No Mary! He laid his hand on you in anger! Not even my father had done that!" Bash yelled as Mary sighed, knowing he was right.

"Francis is pathetic!" Bash exclaimed as Mary sighed

"May we please discuss other things. I do not wish to discuss this and this stress is not good for your unborn child Kenna." Mary stated as Bash and Kenna sighed, knowing she was right.

"Ok. Here, let us discuss the baby names of which we are thinking of." Kenna said as she leapt into a list of names, Mary watching as Bash looked at her with love, happy the two finally got their happy ending.

She still remembered everything the two had to endure.

Francis's father, king Henry, enjoyed the presence of Kenna both emotionally and physically.

Kenna however did not reciprocate but was forced to for Bash, the king promising death to his bastard son if she were to reject him.

From there Mary helped the two hide their relationship, Mary and Greer both comforting Kenna on many nights after she was raped by the king.

Mary remembered how the king had come close to finding out, causing Mary to pretend to have feeling for Bash.

Something they all hated but had to endure for Kenna and Bash but made sure to inform Francis, Mary not wanting him to think she would ever betray him in that way.

"Betray him! He betrayed you!" Kenna yelled as Francis glared at her, flinching at his brother's glare.

"Do NOT glare at my wife!" Bash hissed as Francis cowered, causing the Mikaelsons and Tvd gang to laugh.

And Mary had a plan set to get them together. She would pretend to love Bash, forcing the kings hand. He would want her to choose and by choosing Francis, Bash would be forced to marry another. That other being Kenna, the only formidable female.

And it had worked perfectly. Kenna pretended to be in grief at her wedding with Bash as he pretended to do the same.

Once the ceremony was over the two immediately went to Kenna's chambers where the two spent the night with one another, happy they were finally together.

"Mary? Are you ok?" Kenna asked as Mary snapped out her thoughts and looked to her friends

"I am just thinking of how blessed you are to have one another." Mary spoke softly as the three with her smiled sadly

"You'll meet the one for you one day Mary. I know it may seem impossible but it will happen." Bash stated as Mary smiled thankfully at the male.

"Thank you Bash. Now let us have a good evening." Mary stated as the three nodded and they began to talk about their days, all enjoying the company of one another.

Soon the day had come to an end, Mary and Greer bidding goodbye to Kenna and Bash who promised to visit Mary within the Castle soon.

Upon arriving, Mary and Greer quickly changed to their nightgowns, Greer prepared to go to her quarters but was stopped by Mary.

"Greer..would you stay with me please?" Mary asked as Greer smiled and quickly laid next to Mary, both remembering the times they would do this as children after a thunderstorm.

"Goodnight Mary." Greer spoke softly as Mary smiled at her friend.

"Goodnight Greer." Mary spoke softly as well as the two quickly closed their eyes and slept.

"You guys have such a cute friendship!" Caroline exclaimed as Mary, Kenna, and Greer all smiled at one another, Kol watching Mary with a smile, Klaus doing the same with Caroline, Finn watching Bonnie, Bash watching Kenna, and to the surprise of Rebekah, Elijah watching Greer.

Rebekah knowing that soon, these women would be apart of her family. Something she hoped would come quickly.

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