home brew [1/2]

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"So, Miguelito," Peter's cheery voice chimes, making Miguel roll his eyes before the former joins him at the table. "I've been thinking."

"Congratulations." Deadpans Miguel, taking a sip of his lukewarm coffee. He swipes his finger across the holo-screen in front of him, trying to do some work as the cafeteria's noise blends into a distant hum. Nowadays, he tends to linger more in the Spider Society's common areas, attempting to make himself look more approachable.

...Of course, it wasn't his idea. Who do you take him for?

Ever since the two of you started dating, you've made countless efforts to help him cater to his public image, one thing at a time. For now, you focused on coaxing Miguel out of his office, making it known that he is a real person, not just a heartless, shadowy figure running Spider Society from behind the scenes.

"Haha, tough crowd." Peter sets down his cup next to Miguel's, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee reaching Spider-Man's nostrils not a second later. "First of all, your darling says hi." Miguel's head immediately snaps in the direction of the small booth located in the middle of the cafeteria.

And there you stand, looking right back at him, offering a coy wave before tending to a waiting customer.

Miguel feels his face heat up, even after three months together, such little gestures still manage to leave him flustered.

He sheepishly waves back, showing his canines as he smiles - a move he learned works extra effectively on his sweetheart. Miguel can't help but chuckle as he sees you hide behind your hair, trying to look professional in front of your clients despite the obvious redness of your cheeks.

"Second of all," Peter leans closer, his voice snaps Miguel out of his trance. "Said darling mentioned to me that just yesterday, their rent went up by 300 bucks." Miguel's eyes widen at the news. "They said they're thinking of moving."

"They don't have to." Miguel immediately shuts the idea down, a pang of protectiveness for your shared space rising in his chest. He loves your house- all his best memories were formed in your small studio apartment. He knows what part of the bed is most comfy, knows exactly where to look for ingredients when tasked with cooking... he knows that place like the back of his hand. "I'll cover it, they don't need to worry."

"See, that's exactly what I told them too." Peter nods, taking another sip of his coffee, emitting a small hum as the delectable liquid cascades down his throat. "I said, to quote, 'Let your rich boyfriend take care of it'. And you know what they told me?"


"That they don't want you to."

"...oh." Miguel feels a knot form in his chest, a tinge of hurt washing away his previous determination

Peter immediately notices Miguel's solemn expression and curses under his breath, spilling a bit of his coffee as he frantically puts it back on the table.

"Shit, I didn't mean for it to sound that bad, wait." The man puts his hand on Miguel's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "They want you to do something else- something much cooler in my opinion. They're just figuring out how to tell you."

Seconds pass before some of the tension starts to leave Miguel's body. He mulls over Peter's words - he has many questions. Miguel doesn't want to burden his significant other with them right now - you have your own worries attending to your bustling cafe during the rush hour. He stays seated, knowing that Peter will eagerly spill the beans if he asks.

"What could it possibly be?" Miguel finally asks, hoping that no matter what Peter says, it won't be worse than what he said earlier.

"They actually want to move in with you."

For the first time in what feels like forever, Miguel's mind goes completely blank.

Move in with... him?

The concept seems so alien to him, so far away. The first and last time Miguel lived with someone, he was taking care of Gabriela on that godforsaken alternative Earth - an endeavor that didn't end well for anyone.

But to move in with you, that's-

"Come back to me Miguel, you're overthinking." Peter nudges him, breaking Miguel from his trance. The latter raises his eyes from his lap, looking back at his friend with a conflicted expression. "That's just the natural progression of how things go in relationships. When I first moved with MJ... let's just say that's when things started to get really serious."

"...Good serious or bad serious?" Miguel asks rhetorically, knowing the answer to this particular question all too well. He once again looks away from Peter and back to you, working away behind the counter. He quietly observes as you talk to your customers, your smile widening as you spot your three favorite teenagers in the queue.

You've always been good with kids.

He hasn't always been a good father.

"Good, actually." Peter's reply catches Miguel off guard. "Best twenty years of my life before I fucked it all up."

Miguel hums, thinking about what the other has just said. They talked many times about the loss of their respective families - much less when Peter got his back and Miguel lost his forever.

They talked countless times, and yet, the other man never really talked about the beginning of his relationship with Mary-Jane.

Or maybe, Miguel just never asked.

"What counts is giving it a shot, and eventually, it all falls into place." Peter continues, gently bumping shoulders with Miguel. "And I won't lie, so far your and Spider-Barista's relationship seems like a match made in heaven. I say you two should give living together a try."

Miguel lingers in silence, thoughts weaving through his mind as he weighs his fears and hopes carefully, thinking about your shared future.

If there's anyone he'd ever want to build a home with, it's you.

"You're right." He eventually voices, a stupid grin spreading across Peter's face in a nonverbal response. "There's just one issue."

"Fire away Miguel, I'm all ears." Peter offers, eager to help his friend's blooming romance

"...I don't actually have my own room."

𝑪𝒐𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒆 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔 [✔] {Miguel O'Hara x Gender-Neutral!Reader} Where stories live. Discover now