Chapter 28

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"Knock knock."

Celeste looked up from her books and smiled. "Hey Kota, this is a nice surprise."

"I was out running some errands and figured I would stop by," he said as he leaned against the doorframe. "You busy?"

"Hey Maxy," she giggled as the golden retriever rushed over to her with his tail wagging. "Kinda sorta," she said as she played with Max's ears while looking up into Kota's green eyes. "Just fighting with my enemy so I gladly welcome the break."

Kota chuckled and shook his head as he pushed off the frame, "want me to be your knight in shiny armor and slay your enemy for you?"

"Oh, would you please?" Her eyes lit up in excitement, making him laugh as he strolled over to her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you," she hugged him tightly once he reached her.

"You're welcome," he smirked, "now move so I can tackle these numbers for you."

She burst out laughing as she stood. He placed a kiss on her forehead before sitting down at her desk. "I really appreciate this, Kota. You just saved me yet another migraine."

"We can't have that," he frowned as his eyes skimmed over the notebook, "it makes you sick. Ten, this doesn't make any sense."

"So, it's not just me?" she asked as she walked back over to him.

"No," he grew serious, "where are your receipts, Celeste?"

"Oh um, physical or that program you insisted on me having where I just have to take a picture of it?" she asked as she opened her laptop.

"Both," he said as he typed on his phone. "Do you have any appointments or plans for today?"

"No appointments but I do have some work I need to do for a couple of projects," she frowned. "Be honest, is it bad?"

"I know you don't handle this, so who has been handling your books, Celeste?" he asked as he flipped through her notebook.

"I paid a guy to come here and take care of it for me," she said as she pulled something up on her laptop. "He tried to get me to allow him to take all my stuff to his office, but I didn't let him. I made him work from here and then he started pushing for more. Like trying to stay late or suggesting we get something to eat and even coming in on the weekends, that it made me uncomfortable, so I lied. I told him I wouldn't need him anymore because we had worked things out and you would handle my finances for me again. He didn't like it but there weren't any altercations or anything."

"What's wrong?" Owen asked as he entered the office while buttoning his jacket, "Hello Darling."

"Celeste's books aren't adding up to my program," Kota gave him an honest answer.

"What?" Corey asked as he and Victor entered with their laptops. "Hey Sweetheart."

"Hi Princess."

"Wait," Celeste said while trying to understand everything, "are you telling me that I'm not just crappy at math, that something really is wrong with my books?"

"Yes," Kota nodded. "From the looks of just what I have looked it, it really looks like that guy you hired has been stealing from you, Ten."

"What?" she gasped, "I...I...I need some air." She rushed out of the office and went out the back door. She leaned against the brick wall and slid down to the ground.

"Hey now Princess, no need for tears." Victor said as he crouched down in front of her. "It will be okay."

"I'm such an idiot," she groaned as she kept her eyes closed while he gently wiped her tears from her face. "I should have just let Kota keep control of the business then none of this would have happened."

"None of that now," Victor shook his head. "It makes perfect sense to not have Kota handle your money after everything that happened. You didn't do anything wrong, Princess. You listened to us about protecting yourself by making sure he came here where you knew there were cameras. You trusted this guy to do his job correctly, it's his fault, not yours, okay?"

She sniffled and nodded as she looked into his warm brown eyes, "Okay."

"Ten, do you remember when you turned this guy down?" Kota asked as he walked over to them.

"Um..." she bit her lip as she tried to think, "couple years ago?" She gasped and clutched Victor's hand, "It was right after you had called me asking if it was okay for you to take Fae to New York with you for your winter performance. You wanted to show her a Christmasy New York. That's what gave me the idea to say that we were getting back together and Kota would take over for me. It was then."

"That's good, Ten, I can work with that," Kota said as he pulled out his phone. "Corey, look into our logs and find the time Vic took Fae to New York with him."

"Who has been handling your numbers for you since then, Princess?" Victor asked as he pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Me," she sniffled.

"But you hate that," he frowned, "it used to give you headaches."

"Still does," she shrugged, "that's why when Kota surprised me today, I asked him to save me from my enemy."

Victor chuckled, "and he gladly decided to come rescue you."

"Yep, but I think I gave him a battle he wasn't expecting." She hiccupped as she looked up to the sky, "there has to be something wrong with me. I can handle the math and numbers when it comes to interior design but when it comes to money and running the numbers for the business, it just –"

"Theres different kinds of math, Princess," Victor interrupted as he shook his head. "That's Kota's specialty so try not to worry about it anymore, okay? You did good asking him for help. It makes him happy that he can do this for you, and I know it meant a lot to him that you asked him for help."

"Darling, do you need to be here today?" Owen asked as he knelt next to Victor.

"I have a couple of projects I need to work on, but I don't think I can give it my all now," she sniffled. "I guess I could ask Gabe if he could help me tomorrow if he isn't too busy."

"I think that would be a good idea," Owen nodded, "can I have your keys please and why don't you spend the rest of the day with Victor? Let us do what we do best, please."

She nodded and let them pull her up onto her feet. She hugged Owen tightly, "Thank you."

"Always, Darling," he murmured as he held her tightly against him. "Now, let us take care of this and you try to have some fun with your Prince."

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