Dan lets go of my hand and takes the lube bottle, he then squeezed a lot onto his palm. He looked at it, not sure what to do next.

I then did the same and brought my hand into my underwear and onto my vagina, i slathered the lube on. Dan saw this and copied me. "Err..."

Mr Joo made a confused face, he looked at us like a child looking at two fishes swimming upside down.

"Oh, for fucks sake"

*FWOOSH* he pulled us both towards him. Our faces landing on his left and right thighs.

Dan managed to get a "h-huh?!" Out before his hand went into his anus and into my underwear. Making *squelch* sounds.

"HNGH! S-sir!"

"You were both taking way too long."




"Ngh! Wait- ah!"

I on the other hand, was clenching onto his pants and trying to suppress my moans.

//S-so rough!//

Dan's moans filled the room.

"HNGH! AAH...!"

"Hic- AAAH! S-SIR..!"

I felt Mr Joo's hand stop.

"T-that's enough..
Please just... Put it in now"


"Bend over"

Dan and i moved into position side by side.

Mr Joo continued using his fingers with me and pressed his cock into Dan.

"NGH! It hurts... AGH!"
"I-it hurts..! S-stop... Don't-"

Pissed, Mr Joo takes his fingers out of my vagina and slams Dan's head into the bed.

"Keep testing my patients...
And I'll smash your head in."

"Just shut your mouth and take it. We're just getting started."

Mr Joo tried to put his cock into Dan again.


"Goddamnit. Relax, would you? You're gonna snap my cock off."

Before Jaekyung could continue complaining, a small hand grabbed his dick.

"Stop. If he can't do it then he can't. Please don't force it in, it will hurt Dan." I'm not sure where the confidence
came from.

Mr Joo turned to me. "Wow! You can say more than one sentence!"

I took off my underwear and crawled towards him, i held onto his broad shoulders and slowly moved down, swallowing his cock whole.

To prevent myself from moaning out loud i bit my hand. I was trembling and my breath was shaky.

Dan's POV

After Y/n took his huge thing, Mr Joo then smirked at me.

"Look carefully, you should learn from her"

He then held Y/n by her waist and moved her up and down rapidly.



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