Chapter 2: Nanny

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Season 1, Episode 2

Avery sits next to her dad as the NYPD lawyer goes over documents with her father in order to allow him to follow Beckett around on cases, "Mr. Castle, be advised, if you get injured following Detective Beckett to research your next novel, you cannot sue the city. If you get shot, you cannot sue the city. If you get killed-"

Richard cuts him off, "My lifeless remains cannot sue the city."

"Alexis and I, dad. Your heirs," Avery tells him, rolling her eyes while Beckett paces around.

"Do I have to wait for him to sign, or can I shoot him now?"

"You have to wait for me to move so I don't get hit accidentally," Avery says, receiving a small smile for her boss.

"Oh, daughter, how your love warms my heart," Richard smiles sarcastically. 

The lawyer ignores all of them, "Mr. Castle, these waivers are serious business. Prehaps you'd feel more comfortable by referring the matter to your attorney?"

Taking the papers and starting to sign, Richard shakes his head, "What, are you kidding? He'd never let me sign these. But fortunately, it's his job to get me out of trouble and not to prevent me from getting into it."

Avery smiles at the lawyer, "Which is why he has three houses in the Hamptons."

Beckett snorts as her phone rings, "Beckett. Yeah. Where? All right, Avery and I are on our way," She gestures to Avery who is quick to grab her coat.

"Whoa, wait. Uh, where are you going?" Richard asks the two women.

"We have work to do," Beckett tells him, stopping at the door.

He gets excited, "What? We have a case?"

She shakes her head, motioning between Avery and herself, "We have a case. You have paperwork."


Since Avery is a probationary officer within the unit, Beckett decided that she would train Avery until she becomes a full time detective. That means that Avery is basically glued to Beckett's side out in the field, "So?"

"Mrs. Rosenberg, 9-E here," Ryan starts, gesturing to the older woman with an oxygen mask over her face, "Comes down to put her clothes in the dryer, finds it's occupied. Comes down a half an hour later and she's had enough, decides to take matters into her own hands."

"Come on. You're telling me that an old lady killed someone over a busy dryer?"

Ryan gives Beckett a look, "What? No, she's just tired of waiting around. So she opens up the dryer to take the other person's clothes out, finds Miss Fluff and Fold here instead," He guides them over to the dryer where a woman is inside being looked at by Esposito. 

"Now if that's not a cautionary tale about poking around someone else's laundry, I don't know what is," Esposito comments.

"Dude, there is an etiquette involved. If the clothes were dry, Mrs. Rosenberg had every right to put them in the basket. Now, if you're gonna tell me that she folded them, then it gets a little creepy," Ryan argues over Avery as she leans down to look at the victim.

"I'm sorry, someone starts rooting around my underwear, without an invitation, I'm taking that as a serious breach of hygiene."

Beckett sasses from her spot of looking at an empty bleach bottle and blood on the floor, "I thought you went commando, Esposito."

He shrugs, "Well....seasonal thing."

"All right, let's get her out of there with some dignity. And we need CSU to come down here, and the bleach bottle will have to go down to the lab, and probably prints and photographs, although if it's gonna do us much good in a public area. Avery, what do you think," Beckett looks down to where Avery was still studying the victim.

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