Chapter 9: 'Wapol.'

Comenzar desde el principio

Y/N looks confused at Chopper's transformation, he tilts his head while crossing his arms.

"What a strange devil fruit..." Y/N mumbles

Y/N watches them go away from the old cabin, he leans back in his chair just enjoying the silence in the cabin, and the only sound is the blizzard outside.

He came here to look for his father, hoping that he would return to the island to stay for some days... But the place look exactly the same as ages ago when he visited.

Even if Kureha always reassures him that his father is still alive, he's not so sure as he has never seen him in years... Then again, he is known for being strong... But still...

Taking the opportunity while he's thinking about his father, a certain deity then starts talking.

"Cheer up, brat... Gloomy doesn't look good at my face that's on yours."

A deep, menacing yet familiar voice suddenly speaks in Y/N's mind who only sighs and puts his chin on his hand.

"L/N... Now's not the time." Y/N mumbles

A chuckle appeared on his mind as Y/N sighed and closed his eyes, annoyed by the living deity and his ancestor that was casually on his mind.


Rustling of snow is heard as a man is walking through the thick cold snow in the brewing blizzard... It's Zoro, and without a shirt.

Zoro shivers as he hug himself to try to warm himself up

"Ahh... Damn it! I got carried away and swam way too long!" Zoro shouts

he looks around him... Confused about how he got here.

"Where am I? Where's the ship?! Damn it... I can't tell where I am with all this snow!" Zoro said

Zoro then looks to the front and sees... A deer with a hat? and a woman riding behind on the carriage... It's Kureha and Chopper.

"Ahh! I'm saved!" Zoro shout

Zoro jolts up and starts walking towards them.

"Hey, Granny! Sorry to bother you, but can you take me to the nearby village?" Zoro asks

Zoro looks at her and widens his eyes, seeing her in just a little outfit but she's still sitting down casually like the cold never bothers her (anyway)

"Huh? What are you doing showing your belly in this damn weather? What a weird old woman." Zoro asks

Kureha gestures to Zoro to come closer with her finger.

"Huh?" Zoro asked

Zoro slightly leans down towards her then Kureha smiles and...

"Be careful with what you say." Kureha said


Zoro got slammed away with Kureha's fist who smirked at him.

"I'm still in the youthful 130s!" Kureha shout

The carriage started moving again, leaving Zoro on the ground.

"Let's go, Chopper. We don't have the time to mess with a weirdo." Kureha said

"Wait, Old hag!" Zoro shout

Zoro immediately jolts up.

"What the hell was that old hag problem?!" Zoro shout

Another blizzard comes and blows on Zoro's shirtless body, he immediately shivers and hugs himself again.

"Whoah! It's cold..." Zoro mumbles

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