Alternative ending V: Michelle

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I look in the mirror and see myself. Somehow in a Quidditch uniform. I've always wanted to play Quidditch. I'm holding a cup and my brother Regulus is at my side. I can't believe how close we are. Sirius also turns up and hugs me. Like real siblings. It seems like I've won something. There's a party going on around us, it seems like there's something to celebrate. And then suddenly. My father...I haven't seen him for years...I never wanted to meet him. And yet he appears in my deepest wish. Maybe this is exactly the right path for me. Not a man at my side but a family...
I see myself, a girl who finally has the family that I have always wanted. My two siblings, Regulus and Sirius, who are at my side and are hugging me warmly, while on my other side, my father appears. I get that fatherly love that I never felt before from him. It might not be a boy but... It has been so long since I have had a family... The feeling of happiness and peace is overwhelming.
I slowly walk back to my dorm room and text Pansy "I know who I'm choosing now..."

She looks at her phone as the text comes in, and she doesn't reply right away. She seems getting really curious now.
"Can you tell me who it is then?"

"Myself. I'm choosing myself" I text with a smirk on my face.

She looks at the text with a bit of disappointment. She wished that I would have gotten a final answer that actually made sense. But she can respect that.
"Okay then. Did the liquid luck help? I think that's a good lesson for all of us, right? That you need to choose yourself too sometimes?"

"I looked into the mirror of erised and realised, I don't need a boyfriend by my side. But I need and I want my family.."

She smiles when she hears that, a bit of relief coming over her as at least she hasn't completely messed up everything.
"I get it, you know? We all want someone, sure... But family is more important. I hope that you can have your family back and that it will all be okay then..."

"I will concentrate on me again, I think I loved the boys too much and I should myself more"

"That sounds like a really smart thing to do. And honestly, I think that you should take a break from boys for now... You should focus on yourself, you know? Because if you focus on yourself, no one can hurt you. But if you focus on someone else, they might hurt you, like what happened with Draco.
And besides that... It's better if you can love yourself first and then go look for love elsewhere. Because how can you love anyone if you couldn't love yourself first?"

"True, I will them them. Thank you and see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow then."

She seems glad to hear that I will take some time for myself. That's the best choice right now, and she won't take it from me but now comes the hard part. I'll write Draco first "Hey Dray, I know I haven't called you that in a while. We had a good time together..our relationship was really wonderful and I know I was the one who messed it up. But I want you to know that I never meant to hurt you. But it's time to move on. I'm going to focus on me from now on, I'm sorry"

Draco looks at the text and he feels his heart breaking even more when seeing this text. He is in shock by this and he replies to me very quickly. But his text is full of anger and he is very disappointed.
"Wow... Just like that? You're just going to leave me and forget all about us, after everything that we've been through? I really thought that you would still love me, but I guess I was wrong."

"My heart will never forget you completely. I'll never forget the times you made me laugh until I had tears in my eyes. I'll never forget the feeling of safety you gave me whenever you held me tightly in your arms kissing my head and caressing my hair."

"And what about me? My heart will also never forget you, my dear. I will never forget how it felt when you were sleeping peacefully in my arms. I will never forget how it felt when you would lean your head on my shoulder. I will never forget all the laughs we had together and all the times when you would make me smile. I can't believe that you are really doing this... You are tearing me apart inside, you know?"

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