Cam: What the...?

He looks down and his eyes widen.

His and Chum's hands were Attached to each other

Cam: *Gasps*

Outside of the house. The only thing was heard was Cam screaming. Causing the birds to fly away.

Later on. Cam and Chum are sitting on the chair with a scared look on their faces. Grandpa Rampy on the other hand looks worried and concerned about this while Isabelle was looking at the attached hands with an Awed look on her Face.

Grandpa Ramps: I don't understand how did this happened

Cam: I don't know Grandpa Rampy. Yesterday our hands weren't attached before and now it's attached!

Lil Isabelle: Woah...this is the most craziest thing I've ever seen!

She said as she run her finger across it

Lil Chum: Well we have to do something! I don't wanna live with one hand forever!

Grandpa Ramps: Oh hold on Grandson! I've gotten an Idea

Cam: Really What is it!?

Grandpa Ramps: Isabelle! Bring out the cutter

Lil Isabelle: Yes Boss!

She said as she whipped out a Large Butcher knife. This cause Cam and Chum getting scared more

Cam: Wait! (x4)

Lil Chum: That'll be Painful!

Grandpa Ramps: listen Chum We have no choice. You just gotta deal with it

Cam: Is there something else we can do!

Grandpa Rampy sighs before slamming the butcher knife on the table

Grandpa Ramps: Well what other ideas you have?

Cam: Well. if it was a Curse? I mean someone might've cursed us

Grandpa Ramps:  don't be ridiculous. How could someone you don't even know would put a curse on you?

Cam: Wel- it's bec- they- Um uh...

Grandpa Ramps: *Sighs* Cam there's no way that someone willing to do that on two people who's literally young. look I'm sure we'll figure this out

He said as he touches the Attached Arm

Lil Isabelle: so how are we supposed to Detach them

Grandpa ramps: *Rubs his chin with his Hand* well I got one in mind. Kids try to do the Tug of war Style

Cam and Chum got off the chair and starts tugging.

what's next was shocking. Their attached arm starts to stretch further.

Grandpa Rampy and Isabella's eyes widen at this

Cam and Chum stopped tugging which cause Chum to fly towards Cam and crashed against him with his body.

Cam: huh?! Wait we can't rip it apart?! This doesn't make any sense

Lil Chum: How!?

Grandpa Ramps: Ok this doesn't make any sense. Tugging it would rip them apart!

Lil Isabelle: Well I guess y'all gotta stick together

Grandpa Ramps: Isabelle now's not the time to- wait did you just say Stick together?

Lil Isabelle: Yep.

Grandpa Rampy thought about this and chuckles before laughing.

Cam: That's not funny! This is serious!

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