"Yes, Mom we are coming, just two more minutes." Came a faint reply from upstairs.

She has received the same reply half an hour ago, she knows very well of her daughter's habit. Shaking her head she went inside the kitchen to check the preparation.

On entering, her face fell into a scowl seeing the site of Zeenat, who was busy cooking.

"Why haven't the Biryani cooked yet? I told you to prepare early. How are you so lazy" She snapped at her coldly.

"It's almost ready, Chachi. I'll finish in time." Zeenat replied while hurriedly layering the rice in the bowl.

"You better be," Farida Chachi ordered sharply to which gradually she nodded her head.

"Mom, look how do I look."

A sharp screeching footsteps can be heard, and then two girls appears in the kitchen. They are wearing modern dresses, showing their curves and wearing bright makeup.

"Mashallah, my angels are looking lovely today." Farida Chachi turn towards their daughters and smiled in awe.

"Thank you, Mom," Hanya said smiling brightly.

"Shut up. She is saying to me, not you" Huda interrupted tugging an imaginary hair behind her ears to which Hanya scuffed.

"Don't flatter yourself, have you seen yourself in the mirror, you look like a grandma who is in her eighties?" She uttered bitterly folding her arms, making Huda's jaw drop.

"Mommy, Look what Haniya is saying." She complains but Farida Chachi scolds both of them.

"Both of you stop now, you're always fighting with each other, are you going to behave like this in front of the guest too?" Farida Chachi exclaimed she couldn't tolerate her daughter's childish behaviour anymore.

"But.. She started first." Haniya protested but she was cut off by Chachi's voice.

"No more excuses, you both are now grown up, you have to stop fighting like a cat." She said looking at them.

"You know that Danish is coming here to stay in our house, what if he sees both of you like this fighting and screaming, he will not like any of you and my dream of marrying any of you to him will be crashed..."

"......You have to be careful, you have to behave nice in front of Danish. If you behave nicely maybe, he will start to like one of you." She convinced her daughters hoping they behave properly so that she can fulfil her dream.

"Don't worry Mom, I will make Danish mine, I will flatter him with my good looks," Haniya replied loftily, flipping her hair.

"Yes Mom, when he will look at me, he will forget everything and will fall for only me." Huda added dragging 'me' while skimming at Haniya to which she rolled her eyes.

"I hope both of you will get success, I will make duva for both of you." Farida Chachi said proudly looking at their daughters.

Zeenat who was ignored the whole time suddenly Hanya's gaze went on her. She raised her eyebrows on seeing her appearance.

Zeenat was wearing a simple pink coloured Kurti-pant. Her dress was wrinkled and some food and oil stains were visible on her already light-coloured dress thanks to her working early morning in the kitchen.

"You better Change or Someone might think you're a low-class worker," Hanya said scowling, pointing a finger in her direction.

"Isn't she is?" Huda mocked looking at Zeenat annoyingly from head to toe in distaste.

"I bet no one gonna look at her ugly face," Hanya smirked to which they both started to laugh.

"That's why, even her parents left her to rot here, pfff...." Huda added to which Zeenat clenched her fist. She was about to speak but Farida Chachi stopped her.

"Ok, that's enough," She glared at Zeenat challenging her to speak further to which Zeenat shut her mouth. She knows it's best to obey her or the outcome will be not good.

Satisfied with her reaction, Farida Chachi glances towards their daughters.

"We have already wasted our time. It's time to pick up Danish from the Airport, Naeem has already gone. Come on you two." After saying to their daughters, she began to walk out, but not before giving one last glare at Zeenat who was biting her lips.

Hanya and Huda rolled their eyes and too followed behind their mother.

Minutes later, a car roaring sound can be heard from a distance and it's vanished further away.

Zeenat was left alone, her head hung low. She should be used to these types of insults, she has been called worst by them in the past. The problem was not the humiliation, it was the persons who were hurting her feelings.

She wants Farida Chachi and Hanya, Huda to accept her as their Family. It's the only reason she is working hard and ignoring their misbehaviour, but sometimes it goes far beyond to endure and she can't help but feel hopeless.

She hoped that someday, there would be a time when there would be someone who took her side, understood her, loved her and accepted her as a family.


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