Crimson Dual Wielder

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( It's been a couple of days after the grand quadruple dual. Yumi and her team have been continuing their training and leveling up as much as possible. Yumi even summoned  Veronica, Jenny, and their third teammate who calls herself Midna. Jenny had even claimed that there was one more member of their team that  Yumi needed to find. Someone that she would not have to fight. In order to help train Raf, Clair, and Mitchle. Currently, the group was walking through one of the many floors that lead to a boss room)

" ( Blocks a swing from a lizardman and then watches as Raf slashes it with his sword). Nice one Raf, Clair can you finish it?" Said Mitchle as he blocked four more swings from the lizard man using his shield. " I'm on it, Miko can you finish this?" Said Clair as she ran to attack the Lizardman that Raf and Mitchle were fighting. " I got it. ( Jumps at the Lizardman that  Clair was fighting and then slices it in half). Thats one more lizardman and five to go. Yumi, Sierra, how's it going on your end?  Is the way through clear?" Asked Miko. " ( Slices two Lizard men in half and then turns to her left as Sierra stabs the bottom of her shield into the last Lizardman that was in front of them). Yeah, we're all good over here." Said Yumi. " Why don't we all rest up for now and replenish our strength before moving forward." Said Sierra.

" Sounds like a good idea. ( opens her item storage and then takes out a back of sandwiches). I  made sandwiches for everyone to enjoy. We can eat these while we rest up. " Said  Clair as she and  Mitchle passed out the sandwiches to everyone before grabbing their own."  

( Twenty minutes later, after everyone has finished their sandwiches)

" ( Spots, Holly, Tera, Mat, and their two teams heading their way. But spots a third group right behind them). Hey look, it's Holly, Mat, and Tera. It seems like they decided to come and challenge this floor just like us." Said Clair. " Yeah, but who is the group behind them and why is one of them glaring at me?" Asked  Miko. " You don't think thats Vince and his new team do you?" Asked Sierra. " I wouldn't be surprised if it was. He must have watched us when we fought  Jenny and  Veronica. Though, it looks like he only recognizes Miko and not me." Said Yumi. "Let's hope Tera and the others haven't told them about you." Said Mitchle as Tera, Holly, and Mat ran over to them.

( Vince's new avatar, with his old one now becoming an npc due to a quest that Vince took)

( Vince's new avatar, with his old one now becoming an npc due to a quest that Vince took)

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

 " Sierra, Miko, Raf, It's great to see you guys again." Said Mat with a smile. " We heard that you guys had beat the Crimson and Aquarius knights. Fantastic job by the way.   Seems like you've  improved a lot Miko." Said Holly. " Thanks Holly, ever since our fight with the knights. I've been leveling up along with my team in order to get stronger." Said Miko. " I bet I could still beat you. I'm sure you haven't gotten that strong." Said Vince. " You couldn't even beat Yumi when you fought her, right before you left the team. Plus, I'm three levels higher than you, and Yumi's two levels higher than me.  Me and her are both in the level fifties while you're only level forty-seven." Said Miko. " Levels mean nothing if you don't have the skill. ( Looks at  Raf). Which i know this one doesn't have seeing as he's a level behind me. ( Draws his sword and charges at Raf). This will be easy." Said  Vince until he felt his sword suddenly be tipped downwards as his right foot got kicked from under him. Which causes him to fall and then roll past Raf. " 

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