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❝ some may call it 𝒂 𝒄𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 ❟ a life 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆. ❞

──────── HER TORMENT HAD tipped over into a frozen desperation as she smiled softly at her mother, Chiyo's eyes crinkling softly, their light color glittered frantically with masked warmth. Chiyo's nostrils flared as she let out a breath, her heart swelling greatly with gratitude towards her caregiver, brought upon by whatever ability she had developed over time that allowed her to condition herself to emote genuinely whenever she pleased. The girls happiness was a coarse reminder of her fear and suddenly she found herself examining her mothers features with a sense of calm, despite her heart beating with dim urgency. Chiyo was collected, she was fine. Her thoughts did not run rampant, she was alright. You see, she would not face the humiliation of allowing her weakness to creep its way out for viewing and through this stubborn guardedness, she deluded herself into believing that her eyes could cross over to the Shinigami with authority, she could will it away. The girl tilted her head to the left, her ear pressed into the damp cotton of her pillow, her hearing softly muffled now.

 She could just barely hear her mothers struggles to pull back the heavy maroon drapes that hung from her squeaky curtain rod, the shuffles loud as her feet pressed briefly onto the wooden floors. By now her mothers hair had completely dried, the curls conforming and losing definition as the last stubborn droplets fell from the shorter strands covering her nape. Chiyo forgot completely about the Shinigami for a second and weirdly enough it seemed to have forgotten her as well, its beady eyes rolled freakishly as it scanned the room with coarse chuckling. The noises did not echo throughout the room, rather they were soft and screechy which left her feeling squeamish at the rasps. 

The noise brought the chirr of summer crickets to mind, they had that same kind of odd quality that annoyed and displeased anyone listening. Chiyo's deep and sharp breathes were calming enough which seemed to dispel her mothers fleeting concerns, mistaking her weakness for calm and quietly retreated from the window, the mornings lemony gleam no longer ochre colored nor shining dimly through her drapes. Now it was overwhelmingly bright and irritated her leaden eyes for a few long moments, she groggily blinked away weak weeps and smiles carelessly at her mother. "Mom, I'm fine, really, I just need rest, please?" Chiyo's voice softly carried through the room, grating contrastingly against his wild and increasingly manic chuckles, the side of her head that rested against her pillow started to feel heavy and pulsed with a dull migraine, leading her to rest on the back of her skull instead, an act that reassured her mother although it is unclear as to why that was, or rather; she herself did not know why the shift of positions had quelled her anxiety but it illicited a sharp grin.

The soft quirk of her lips looked tight and uncomfortable as her skin stilled into deeply etched smile lines, but it was good natured and that was enough of a farewell for her to exit the room. Chiyo let out a shaky sigh and tears bubbled in the corners of her eyes once again which led to her narrowing them completely, glaring at that thing. "Shinigami." She addressed him softly, her voice the barest of whispers, "Go away." Chiyo demanded, a primitive statement, not as compelling nor persuasive as it could have been but she had lost all decorum and sense, which was not a good sign as such dealings with Shinigami usually encouraged- no, required intelligent thought. She internally cringed at the notion of being so foolish and tried for an embarrassingly long moment to clear her itchy throat. In response, it snickered for that long moment and twisted its head clockwise, it's body clenched and spiraled in turn like a crank, it was so unnatural that it made the crown of her head prickle, a sort of peeved tingle. She reached up and instinctively pulled at the strand of her coarse, ecru hair and picked at it with a curved nail, scratching into her scalp. "You're awfully sick aren't you, humans are so funny." It crooned with high and mighty giggles. 

Chiyo found his amusement antagonizing and her pride, a constant hubris in her lives, did not allow her to disregard it yet she bit her tongue because this life had taught her the new found trait of cowardice in the name of keeping her peace. This made Chiyo realize that it pained her very much to see her efforts had obviously affected her personality, though the changes seemed fruitless. Throwing the covers off of her sweaty body, the teenage girl cut her thoughts off and began to drag herself from her pillow, sunken from the full weight of her pondering, her glare lessened as she began to open her mouth to bring her humiliatingly human moment of scourge to an end. "Shinigami.. just tell me what you intend to do," She attempted a direct approach, playing dumb in order to verify her fear- no, apprehension, "No more games. For now atleast." Chiyo might've probed him a bit better had she maintained some sort of captivating effect in order to entertain his otherworldly being for longer, yet it still worked out in her favor as he felt inherent interest on the girl before him, a myth only he had discovered. A contrastingly blank glint filled his gaze yet he still crooned with maniacal joy, "Alright. But telling is just no fun! You'll have to earn it..", his guffaws continued on and on for a long moment before he resumed his speech.


𝐃𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐅𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓  - 𝐿. 𝐿𝑎𝑤𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑡 ♘Where stories live. Discover now