Hadrian's POV:

"Please don't call me Lord" I whined, Draco just chuckled.

I went over to the woods. I haven't even put my hand over them and I already felt a pull. I took two woods, one brown and the other black and gave them to Haiden "Very interesting.. Holly and Yew. Both powerful and rare... Oh im already excited to make your wand young Lord." His eyes seemed to be twinkling.

I then went over to the cores. The same thing happened, I felt a strong pull from different directions. I took them and showed them to Haiden.

He was shaking, his eyes were wide and mouth was split in a very wide grin. "Ohohohoho, this will be fun.. Thunder bird feather and Dark Phoenix feather.  Thunderbird tail feather, particularly good in transfiguration and extremely powerful. And Dark Phoenix tail feather, its called dark because its black but i assure you its not light, well.. more of grey that is leaning towards the dark. I don't know much about it but it's very powerful, I've heard stories of the users, but... Eh no information on the core, it's also extremely rare, I only have one. But I'll be happy to make it for you Lord Potter! A very powerful wand for a very noble Wizard!". "Both your wands will be finished in 2 hours!" He guided us back.

"Okey, we'll come back in two hours Mr Haiden."

We then went and bought the rest of the requirements on the list, but a little more expensive than the standard ones. I told Sirius that they were to expensive but he just said "Shush, it's now my chance to spoil you. Plus you deserve the best of the best." And I couldn't argue.

Our last stop before we go get back to the wand was the owl's. Draco brought a brown Eurasian Eagle owl, while I got a beautiful snowy owl.

As we went out the emporium, I felt drawn to another pet shop. A shop of magical and non-magical dogs? I slipped away from the rest to get to the shop.

The inside smelled nice unlike the owl emporium. They sell lots of dogs. I felt a tug in my gut, telling me yo go to the corner of the shop.

There was a dark metal cage covered with a big blue cloth with a silver and gold print. I looked inside the cage to find a pair of bluish green eyes staring at me. It's eyes were like a river flowing towards its pupil. It suddenly pounced at the door of the caged and barked happily causing me to stumble back from surprise.

The cloth fell of from all the shaking. I finally saw its body. Black fluffy fur with a little gold, I could tell it was a puppy because it was small and it had a not so mature face. Its seemed happy to see me, wagging it's tail, barking and sticking his tongue out.

"What a surprise. He seems to like you kid. He's never like this" a voice sounded on my left. "Huh?" I said surprised by the voice.

The sound of the cage rattling scared the rest of the dogs in the store. There were whimpers and barks coming from other cages.

"Calm down lil guy." A worker ordered. The pup ignored them and continued to bark at me.  The worker was now trying to calm the pup down by giving it treats, but it didn't work so I decided to try.

I took one treat from the workers bag. "Sit." I commanded, the pup stops barking and sits down, wagging it's happily as it looks at the treat in my hand hungrily. I tossed the treat inside the cage.

"How much is he?" I asked the worker. "H-Huh?." They looked at the puppy in shock "Ho-How did-." He just turned to me, he was wearing an astounded face.

"Oh u-uh. He is quite pricey because of his magical breed. They're dangerous." The worker said. "I don't care. How much?" I said again.

"1 500 galleons." He answered. "I'll take him! Do you guys take card?" I asked. We got a card from Gringotts, we still carry a pouch of course.

The worker looked at me shocked.


"Harry!" Sirius yelled. He wore a concerned look, " Where have you been?? We've been looking for you for hours!" He said, as he dramatically went on his knees and hugged me.

I roll my eyes 'Its only been 15 minutes'. "Sorry Siri. I got caught up in something." Then there was a sudden bark under my cloak. "Wha-" Sirius said dumbfounded before my cloak opened. The pup whom I now call Nero lunged at Sirius and licking his face.

"N-Nero stop!" I say as I laugh my arse off.

Sirius was now drenched in saliva as I hugged Nero tightly to avoid him running around. The rest were just looking at us amused.

1421 words

Oh and I'm sorry.
I was busy so I want able to update much. Also got lazy.

Harry Potter Merlin's HeirDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora