chapter 8

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Seven weeks later
July 31, 1991

12 Grimmuald place

Hadrian's POV:
'It's been Seven weeks and 2 days since I visited Gringotts.

I live with my Godfather Sirius and his husband Remus, I call them Padfoot and Moony. And visit my Godmother, aunty Cissa every 2 days because of her teaching me proper Pureblood etiquette. And uncle Lucy, aunty's husband has been teaching me politics, which is my least favorite subject.

Siri and Remus bought me a training wand, it can only do low level spells and charms, and only transfigure small objects. Padfoot has been teaching me DADA and flying. Moony was teaching me transfiguration and charms. And I mostly read during my free time.'

8:00 am

A pop is heard followed by a low voice "Young master Black, it's time for breakfast", "I'll be right there Kreacher" Kreacher bowed then popped away.

I put away my journal and cleaned my desk. I looked into the mirror before I went out. I have become more handsome and a bit taller since then.

I gained a bit of muscle, and my hair was a bit longer than before. My skin was pale, but not in a bad way. My lips were rosy pink, opening them I saw my sharp as heck canine teeth which i got from my creature, the demon. I got an innocent look on my eyes, even though I'm not so innocent, I guess I got it from the angel.

I stretched my back, making my wings appear. I stretched them out to get a good look, they were 6 feet each. They were mostly white and black, but there were a few golden feathers. They felt soft and silky to touch, but they're as sharp as a dagger. Almost decapitated Kreacher once, the poor guy was shaking for the rest of the day. I retracted them and made them disappear again.

Then I made my way downstairs. The house was dark and creepy. Siri and Remy said it looked rundown before they came back and fixed it all up.

I slowly descended the stairs. They creaked on each step I took. Once I reached the bottom I went to the living room and greeted the painting  of the late Lord and Lady Black.

"Good morning Grandmother Walburga, Grandfather Orion" I bowed at them. "Good morning and Happy Birthday Harry." My grandfather greeted me with a kind smile. He looked kike an older version of Sirius, but with salt and pepper hair and much more serious face.

" Happy birthday Hadrian. Oh... You will grow into such a fine respectful man, hopefully. I wish you luck at your time in Hogwarts. We will miss you." Grandmother wailed. "Grandmother, do not fret. There is still a month before school starts and I'll still see you during Christmas break." I reassured her.

"Now go and eat Harry, you still have a long day ahead of you. We can't have the birthday boy starving on his birthday can't we?" My grandfather smiled. " Ok grandpa." I walked away.

I get startled with the sudden yells and bursts of confetti as I walk in the dining area, "Happy Birthday Harry!" Padfoot and Tonks grinned. "Happy birthday Harry." Moony, aunty Andy and uncle Ted said calmly.  I gave them a quick thank you before i started to eat.

Aunt Andy and her family occasionally visit us. She taught me a little about medicine. Me and her daughter Nymphadora, who is preferred to be called Tonks or Dora have sibling relationships. And her husband Ted who I consider as an uncle.

We all talked for a bit before Kreacher popped in. "Master Hadrian, your Hogwarts letter has arrived." He presented me with the letter which I  took from him. "Thank you Kreacher." He nodded then popped away.

"Hey Padfoot, is Draco and aunt Cissa  going shopping today?" I asked, "Hmm.. I don't know, I'll ask her after breakfast.". I just nodded at him and continued to eat my breakfast. I'm not even gonna bother reading it. I'm just gonna open it and take the requirements so we could go shop.

9:00 am

"Come on Padfoot, move faster!" I whined. I was excited to see Dray again, and finally get a new wand. "COMING! Coming! Jeez calm down Harry." He chuckled. "Do you have the requirements, Harry?" Aunt Andy asked, and I just nod. "Let's go!" Pulling Sirius and Moony to the fireplace.

They just chuckled. Ted went first, after him went Dora, then Andy, then Padfoot and Moony, and finally me. I took a handful of floo powder and yelled "Leaky Cauldron!" Disappearing in green flames.

773 words
Shortest one yet.

Been a while since I posted a new chapter. Sorry!
I got a lot of things to do.  My stomach hurts.

Oh and about the ship/s... You'll meet them in this book but they won't be together until maybe erm.. 3rd or 4th year? They'll just be friends here and in the second book, and some hints of course.

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