
The front door closed as you walked through, a frown evident on your face. You looked up, your eyes meeting with Haruto's. He clearly saw that you were upset, so he walked over to you quickly to see what was wrong, his red eyes soft and sincere.

His hand came into contact with your left shoulder, "[Name], hey, are you alright?" He cautiously asked, genuinely wondering if you were alright. You looked real down, more sadder than usual.

"I'm... fine-" you suddenly stopped speaking. You weren't, truth be told, so you shook your head to the side. "... Can we go somewhere, please?" You cautiously asked him.

"Where?" Haruto asked you calmly.

"... The aquarium and then the beach." You say, your eyes distant and begging for warmth. Your lips pursed together, trying to locate the feeling that you currently had. You did not understand it- this strange feeling.

Haruto gently sighed, "[Name], let me see if there are any aquariums open."

"..." You nodded silently, returning upstairs into the room you were staying in. Niko, that cat that dragged his claws over your arm after waking up, meowed at you as a greeting, standing right in front of your door. You scowled, obviously. The cat was only bad news. "What do you want from me?" Meow! ... Well, not like you could speak cat. Niko was probably just setting you up so he could claw your eyes out next, and that would not be fun, so you are absolutely not taking that chance.

Oh... but he is an adorable little fur ball. Maybe taking risks is not so bad at all in this life.

You cautiously opened the door to your room, the raven colored cat making his way inside as if he owned the entire place. His bright emerald eyes peered at you as Niko looked behind, then seemingly rolled his eyes and jumped right onto your warm and cozy bed. You stood there in the doorway, a blank expression clear as day on you. Niko settled himself on one of the pillows. Then you walked inside yourself, closing the door gently as you slid your bag down onto the floor. Your feet dragged itself to the desk that you had. Making yourself comfortable, you grabbed a pen and some cute little stickers Oji had gotten you once you woke up. Your hand grabbed for the familiar journal containing little doodles and descriptions of your past life here. You flipped through the pages, seeing an ugly illusion of... Niko? Good lord, anyway, there was a clean page after your last entry, and so you decided to take that one. You decided to write something first...

Aquarium. I love the aquarium.

Clear and straight to the point...

You started to sketch a couple of things- a box containing fish, and a cute little sea turtle on the side.

Oh, you also forgot to write something else. Typical.

The beach.

Your spawn point in this world.

You drew a horribly drawn palm tree- even questioning if it even was a palm tree. Smooth wavy lines drew the water, and small little dots decorated the sand.

An artist you are.

Haruto knocked on your door, "[Name]!" You made a noise of acknowledgement. "Oji is rushing home to get us, so go ahead and put something comfortable on so we can go. Also, Hana will be coming with us as well."

Your eyes lit up, a sparkle in them.


A gasp escaped your lips, your shining eyes beaming with happiness.

"You're telling me this is in the ocean?!" You excitedly yelled, pointing at the lionfish swimming around. "This is- ahh!" You immediately got out your journal you bought with you, horribly drawing the lionfish that was staring at nothing in particular. "Haruto! Look, look!"

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