The Not So First Day

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On the roof of the old Salvatore Boarding School sat 17-year-old Natasha Salvatore. Her Converse Covered feet were crossed one under the other. She looked out into the Forest that was on the side of the large house. Her bright blue eyes bolted at the sky, watching the sunrise.

For as long as she could remember she had loved this view, it gave her a sense of normality. Normality was rare for her as a Vampire. Sometimes she wished she was buried six feet under with the rest of her deceased friends she has made over the centuries. But she sat there still to this day the same 133-year-old vampire she had always been.

What are you doing up there? a voice calls from below her. Her blues peered down to see her father Damon Salvatore.

Come on get down from there you are gonna be late for school. Yes Dad, she said as she rolled her eyes. She then jumped off the roof and landed on her feet.

"You know a normal dad would have scolded their kid for doing something that reckless.
Good thing we are not normal Natasha said with a big smile on her face. "We sure aren't Damon said."

She went to one of the garages in their huge house, to find her Uncle Stefan's classic car. She hopped in and started it up it was a really old car so it took a minute to start it.

She drove to High school for the first time in decades, it felt so weird for her to be back in this town after 30 years. It took her about 15 minutes to get to school. When she arrived everyone stared at her before she even got out of the car, everyone but one boy. He had his head down, but you could still see the sad look on his face. Natasha knew that look it was loss.

She got out of her car with everyone staring at her, but she didn't care all she cared about was talking to that boy. She slowly walked up to him and asked where the office was. The boy muttered through those double doors to the right. She thanked him and said I'm Natasha, Natasha Salvatore. I'm Jeremy he said quietly.

As she walked into the school doors, she couldn't stop thinking about Jeremy. She made it to the office. The secretary greeted her saying " how can i help you?"but her tone sounded almost passive aggressively nice, Natasha didn't really care though. Natasha told her she was new. The secretary asked her for her transcript but Natasha didn't have one after all she hadn't gone to school in like 30 years. as the lady looked up there eyes met Natasha said everything there look again. the lady muttered " Oh so it is." She had compelled her.

She walked through the hallway trying to find a class. this beautiful girl had asked her where room 81 was, Natasha said i'm new so i don't know sorry. the girl said I'm new too obviously, i'm Rose the girl said. I Natasha nice to meet you, I actually think i'm headed to room 81 also.

as they walked to class they talked, Natasha had to lie about her past and she always felt terrible when she had to do that. they made it to History Class. When they walked through the door the teacher said in rude tone "Your late sit down." we're new they tried to say he yelled i don't care sit down.

On the board behind him he had written his name in terrible handwriting it was Mr Tanner.  Miss... Tanner hesitated because he did not know her name, Natasha Salvatore. Salvatore huh? Any relation to the original settlers here? Distant, Natasha lied. Pearl harbor? Miss Gilbert? He said to a dark-haired girl. Uhm.. December 7, 1941. Thank you, Miss Gilbert he said sarcastically. Anytime. Very well. The fall of the Berlin Wall? 1989. I'm good with dates, sir. Are you? How good? Keep it to the year. Civil Rights Act? 1964. John F Kennedy's assassination? 1963. Martin Luther King? '68. Lincoln? 1865. The Battle of Gettysburg? 1863. Korean War? 1950 -1953. Ha! It ended in '52 he yelled excitedly. Sir it was '53. Look it up. was 19..53. A student said from the back of the class. The entire class applauded

The class bolted out for lunch. The dark-haired girl ran to walk next to me in the hall..

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