Chapter 56: Things Are Back to Normal

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Thankfully, things are back to normal in the Dugray household. Tristan is so much better, and Rory is about to pop. Tristan laughs at her when she waddles into the kitchen. She's so freaking sexy with that baby bump. He is cherishing her and the baby bump.

They will only do this one more time; he will only see her so beautiful and glowing while she carries his child one more time.

They bought a new SUV, Land Rover, with a third row so it will easily fit their kids, and Rory won't be stuck as a minivan mom.

It's really funny when the entire gang is over, and all the women have baby bumps. Looks like we are in some kind of breeding cult.

We are just ensuring the next generation some very good looking kids. The ladies laugh when I say that.

Juliette is past her due date, and she is not happy. Logan said all she does is complain, and she is angry.

Christine had their baby, a beautiful baby girl named Willow Grace. She is beautiful; she has Finn's dark complexion, Finn's eyes, and Christine's blonde hair.

Juliette is just uncomfortable, and Rory still has ten days to go. Juliette, Paris, and Lane come over and hang out while Logan, Colin, and Robert are working. I have a house full of pregnant women.

The guys come home, and we have a beer while the ladies chill in the living room. They all sit lined up on the couch with the footrests I bought them to help. Robert snapped a picture of them the other day.

The ladies are in the living room while Drew and Bella play with their toys. Rory has been hurting in her back all day. I massaged her back and gave her a heating pad to help.

I made them lunch. They all wanted a chicken salad with crackers. The kids got mac and cheese. We all ate lunch, and I had a few more things to finish so Brianna from my office could pick them up this afternoon.

I kissed Rory and then went back to the office. I signed a few papers and put them in the folders. I was starting the next stack that needed approval when Juliette screamed for Tristan.

He ran into the living room, and Rory was standing there with a puddle of water between her legs.

"Okay, baby girl. Let's get you to the bedroom and get you in some clean clothes. I will text Lorelai and Mom while you change. Ladies, can you watch the kids while I take Rory to the hospital? Juliette, I am going to take you with us just in case you go into labor before Logan gets home."

"Um, yeah, okay. So, her water broke? I'm two days past my due date, and mine hasn't broken yet. I wished this baby would just come out." 

"I know it can be frustrating. Rory went into labor at the hospital when I delivered Kai. Rory's body just seems to pop her babies out."

"Yeah, she's ten days early, and I'm two days late. Well, I guess I will see you all later." Rory and Tristan came out of the bedroom. He cleaned the floor and mopped. He grabbed her purse and their phones, and they left.

Four hours later:

Rory is pouring sweat and completely tired of pushing. She is exhausted, and her contractions are very painful this time. She was six centimeters dilated when we got here, and then she slowed down.

It took her three hours to dilate to ten. She has been pushing for twenty minutes. I am trying to keep her calm and help her, but I hate seeing her in so much pain.

"Alright, Rory, let's push again as hard as you can."

"Come on, baby girl, give me a big push."

"Tristan, you push these babies out. I am trying. I want to rest. I am tired and exhausted."

"I know, baby, I do. The quicker you have the baby, the quicker you can rest."

"Fine." She pushed with all her might. Her face was red, and she felt the baby slide out. They heard it cry, and he kissed her head.

"Rory, Tristan, say hello to your son." He held him up.

"It's a boy, baby. We have another son. I am so proud of you, sweetheart. I love you so much."

"Thank you, baby, and yes, we do. Our son Jordan Christopher is so handsome. He has dark hair, Tris." 

"Thank you so much, Ror, for our son and our other two kids. You have made me a very happy man, and I love you so, so much."

"You're very welcome, and thank you for all three of our kids. You have made me a very happy woman, and I love you."  

While Rory was in the delivery room and delivering their son. Juliette had gone into Labor right as Logan arrived. The last update they got was Juliette's water had broken, and she had been in labor for an hour.

Later that evening, Logan came to visit them. He told them Juliette had the baby, and it was a boy. He had blonde hair and brown eyes. He showed us a picture. He's so cute, and he held our son.

"You two have some beautiful babies. I swear they are all so perfect. Look, T, our kids will grow up together."

"Yeah, it's pretty cool, man. I'm so happy for you and Juliette as well. Tell her we said congrats on the baby. I will try to bring Rory and Jordan down after we order some dinner. Write down what you and Juliette want, and I will order it as well."

"Thanks, man, that's nice of you. I will tell her she's sleeping right now. I just wanted to come down and say hi. Here is our dinner order. Thanks again; I will see you both later. I need to get back to my wife and my son. Wow, I'm a father now." He waved, and they continued staring at their son. He had dark hair and hazel eyes, just like his daddy's.

That evening, Tristan wheeled Rory and Jordan down to Logan and Juliette's room. They had just finished their dinner.

She was sitting in the chair holding their son. She was smiling as she rubbed his fingers. Logan was sitting on the bed, looking at his wife and son. 

"Hey, guys. We came down for a visit."

"Oh, Rory, let me see Jordan, and you can meet our son, Elias." They switched babies.

"He's so cute, Juliette. He looks just like Logan."

"Yes, he does. Jordan is so cute. He has your hair and his Dad's eyes. I swear, Rory, your kids just keep getting more beautiful. They are all a perfect blend of you two. Drew has his Dad's hair and your eyes; Bella has your hair and eyes, but she favors Tristan, and now he has your hair and his Dad's eyes."

"Thank you, and yes, they are all a perfect combination of Tristan and me. So, how are you feeling?"

"Okay, for the most part. I am tired and sore, but overall, pretty good."

"That's good; it's worse with your first one because you don't know what to expect, but the rest will be easier because you have already done it. When we had Drew, I was terrified, and he was an easier delivery than this little munchkin. When Bella came along, she was much easier because I already knew what to expect. Now, with Jordan, I am a pro."

"Yeah, I guess that's the worst part is the not knowing. I mean, I don't even know how I pushed this beautiful baby out of my body, but I did, and it was a miracle."

They visited briefly then Tristan wheeled Rory back to her room. By the end of the evening, everyone had stopped by and visited both of them. Rory was tired, and she dozed off to sleep while I held our son and just enjoyed the time with him. 

Lorelai had taken Bella home while Mom and Dad took Drew. Everyone had come by and visited. Now, Rory needed to rest as much as she could.

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