Chapter 2

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As the door opened, we could see Mrs. Kim, Jennie's mother in front of them. "What impropriety is this ?! You shouldn't be alone together !" The two young people were looking at their foots, ashamed of it.

Taehyung felt angry, he just wanted to ge to know his futur spouse, to know if this marriage could work. He knew Jennie for 5 minutes and he could tell that she was a beautiful and kind young woman. As much as she was pretty, he didn't feel any sparks in him. The marriage could work but he knew that he wouldn't love her.

Jennie's mother continued "Here it is, one minute before five, and you're not at the rehearsal ! Pastor Seokjin is waiting. Come at once." The young lads looked at each other, Jennie was a bit happy that she could marry someone she's starting to have a crush on, but Taehyung felt sad. He really wanted to marry someone he loved, he sighed and they both went to the chapel to do the rehearsal of their wedding vows.

Three hours later, it still didn't finish. the black haired man was so nervous and his will of not wanting to marry was strong that he couldn't say his vows properly. Once again, we could hear the pastor Seokjin saying "Master Kim, from the beginning, again." Said Seokjin, watching Taehying blazed. Seokjin was a handsome young man, really beautiful. He was the youngest pastor of the town but he was well appreciated by everyone.

The black haired man sighed and nodded. Jin then begun to say again "With this hand, i will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for i will be your wine. With this candle, i will light your way in darkness. With this ring, i ask you to be mine." He finished. Taehyung looked really nervous and Jin thought it was because he was marrying the love of his life, that's why he accepted to marry them. But right now, looking at the other young man's face, he thought that something was wrong. He needed to continue, as their parents were behind them.

"Let's try it again" He said in a soft voice for the younger man. He saw that the boy looked like he wanted to cry, just how much pressure does he have ? "Yes. Yes, sir." Said Taehyung with a small and cracked voice. He must marry that girl to make his parents proud for once. He must, at all cost.

The boy took a deep breath and said more enthusiastically "With this candle" As he went to light the candle, he couldn't do it. it didn't light up, if this isn't another sigh, he doesn't know what it is. It finally lit up, and everyone sighed of relief, as they could finally continue. But Taehyung, being the trickster that he was, discretely blew the candle up, acting like it was because he sighed of relief too.

The parents growled, feeling tired of his incompetence. "Do you have something against this marriage perhaps ?" Asked Jin. Taehyung swallowed and acted as if not and said in a trembling voice, "No, sir" The door rang and Jennie's father asked the butler to go and opened it.

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