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I arrive back at my hotel room in the early evening, grab a quick shower and change into a fresh set of clothes.

The race week doesn't technically start until tomorrow, so I plan on spending the rest of the night watching something on Netflix and ordering food.

I sit down on my bed, scrolling through my social media. McLaren have released the video of mine and Lando's challenge, I click play, and curiously look through the comment section.

It's filled with amazing feedback so far, however there are a couple of comments that catch my eye.

Can anyone else see the chemistry? #VaLando

They're so cute together omg

I want someone to look at me the way Lando looks at Vee!

I silently chuckle at my phone before throwing it on the bed, only for it to light up a second later.

The face flashing on my home screen makes me smile, Oscar is FaceTiming.

"G'day!" He chirps happily, smiling at me.

I flash him a cheeky grin, "Hey Osc!"

"Did you enjoy your challenge? You sure seemed like you did. Lando not do much..." He chuckles, turning the camera to show the video playing on his laptop.

"I did actually! It was fun getting to drive around the track, even if it wasn't in an F1 car." I smile, placing my phone upright on the nightstand.

Oscar gives me a reassuring smile. "It'll come Vee, don't you worry. Anyway, have you got any plans for tonight?"

"No was just going to watch some trashy show!" I giggle, wiggling the TV remote in front of the camera.

"Well a few of us are going to a bar if you want to join?" He looks at me hopefully, "They have a stage and a sound system, I know it's up your alley!"

"Urgh, I don't know." I groan, "I'm already in my comfies!"

"I don't think anyone will be bothered what you're wearing Vee!" He chuckles before pausing for a second, "Charles is coming."

He knows I can't possibly say no now.

I groan, before rolling my eyes, "Fine, I'll come."

"That's what I thought. Meet me downstairs in 20 minutes, there's an Uber coming to pick us up!" Oscar smiles before hanging up.

I drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom; restyling my hair and putting on a small amount of makeup so I look more put together.

I wasn't exaggerating when I said I was in my comfies, I'm wearing a pair of black flared leggings and an oversized graphic tee.

I glance at the time and realise almost twenty minutes has passed, so I grabs my bag and phone and makes my way down to the lobby to meet Oscar.

I'm a little surprised however when I arrive,  Lando is standing there. I make my way over to my teammate who is engrossed on something on his phone, and clear my throat to get his attention.

"Hey Valentina!" Lando grins, his cheerful self as always.

"Hey Lando!" I mock, matching his ridiculous optimism, "it's weird how happy you are."

"You say that like it's a bad thing!" He chuckles, "you've changed clothes!"

"Wow, excellent perception skills as always Norris!" I reply sarcastically, letting a small smile escape my lips. "So have you!"

"Well, you look good!" He smiles, and I spy his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink.

These compliments are getting a regular occurrence.

"Believe it or not I'm in my pajamas!" I chuckle, trying to ease the awkwardness.

"Really? Well I couldn't tell!" Lando grins, placing his phone in his pocket.

"Come on lovebirds, car is here!" Oscar announces, peaking his head into the lobby from the outside. "Hey Vee!"

We make our way into the bar that Oscar and a few other of the drivers have hired out for the night, and head toward the bar.

I order myself a beer, and I'm about to find a table to sit at when I'm tackled off her feet causing me to squeal in fright.

"Valé! oh mio Dio, sei venuto davvero!" A familiar fluffy haired Monégasque grins widely, pulling me in for a long hug.

"Ciao Charlie! Anche tu mi sei mancato!" I giggle, embracing his hug, until he eventually puts me down.

I look over to my teammates in slight embarrassment, Oscar is looking back giggling. Lando however, has a look of confusion on his face, and also a hint of disappointment maybe.

"Viene, viene!" Charles gestures eagerly, taking my hand and guiding me away from my teammates.

We're not far away, and I can still slightly hear the conversation the pair are having.

"What was all that about?" Lando asks slightly annoyed, taking a sip of his drink.

"They're very good friends." Oscar reassures him.

"Yeah, I can see that!" Lando mutters under his breath.

"So, how are you?! How's McLaren?!" Charles asks enthusiastically, snapping me out of my eavesdropping.

"Yeah, good good! I'm enjoying it, I think it made it easier with me all ready knowing Oscar!" I smile, taking another sip of my drink.

"Well, I definitely miss seeing you in our garage every week, but I'm happy for you bellissima!" Charles beams with pride.

"Thank you Charlie!" I giggle, "Anyway how are you? How's Charlotte?"

"Oh, we broke up actually..." Charles mumbles.

I give him a sympathetic smile, "I'm sorry to hear that."

Charles smiles back sadly, "It is what it is, I don't let it get me down too much. Come on, I want to say hello to your teammates. I sort of ignored them earlier!" he chuckles.

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