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"I'm bored," Kai's voice said the moment I picked up the phone.

"I thought you were still sleeping," I put my pen down and leaned my back against the headboard, "we were up so late last night."

"I was sleeping, but I got bored of sleeping too," he groaned, making me smile, "come over."

"I don't know if I can," I sighed, eyeing my homework on the bed. I still haven't been going to school, but Zade tutored me on what I've missed and told me about all the assignments we have so I wouldn't be behind, "plus, Dad would probably say no."


"Because nobody is at your house?" I raised an eyebrow even when he couldn't see, "he freaks out when I sit next to you."

"Come over," he repeated like he didn't hear anything I said, "I watched Zootopia twice. I don't want to be sick of my favorite cartoon."

"Then you come over."

"Meh," I heard him say, "I want to spend time with you not getting scolded by your dad the entire time."


"Please," he pressed, pausing for a moment before saying, "we have waffles."

"Really?" My mouth watered at rhe word, the sweet taste of my favorite dessert already in my mind.

"Yup. So come over," before I could reply he hung up, making me frown and drop the phone in front of me on the mattress. I really wanted to go, but I know Dad will insist Kai comes here instead. I got up and opened my bedroom room a crack, checking where Mum and Dad are and hearing their voices coming from their bedroom across the hall before closing mine again.

I took a deep breath, not giving my mind a chance to rethink what I'm going to do and opened my closet, throwing some leggings and a long sleeved baby blue top before closing it. I brushed my hair down, getting a matching ribbon from the dresser drawer and slammed it shut, taking my phone and opening my door, closing it so softly behind me before tiptoeing down the stairs. I reached for some shoes when I reached the door, putting one on and tucking the shoelaces inside, going to do the same with the next when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. No.

I closed my eyes as if that would make me disappear, and made clear on who's footsteps these were, Mum.

"What are you doing?" She asked flatly and I pried one eye open before the other.

"Nothing?" I said in a question form, blinking at her, watching as she did the same before arching an eyebrow, "please, don't tell Dad."

"Are you going out?"

"Not exactly?" I stood straight, "I'm just going to hang with Kai for a while... please, I want to go, and you know Dad will say no."

"Exactly," she crossed her arms with a tilt of her head, and I smiled awkwardly, "do you have homework?"

"...yeah?" I took a step towards her quickly, "but I promise they will all be done by tomorrow!"

She only narrowed her eyes at me before sighing, shaking her head, and looking towards the ceiling as she walked away, "Emma has a lot of homework, she won't be able to watch the movie with us tonight!"

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