Chapter 21. Resentment

Start from the beginning

"I just don't know if it's worth arguing over. He clearly is disappointed in me and how I'm living, so I just don't know if it's worth agonizing over."

"Well, he is your dad." Jisung watches Minho's gaze flick towards him. "It's up to you to decide if you still want him actively in your life anymore."

"I don't know what would be worse." Minho says quietly. "Trying to set boundaries and keeping a relationship with him, or cutting all ties and losing both of my parents."

"You don't have to make a decision right now." Jisung tries to assure, slowly rising from his stool to stand in front of Minho, arms wrapped around his neck. "You have all the time in the world. Just think about it."

"Thank you." Minho flashes a smile at him, and it fades just as fast as it appears. Jisung kisses him two more times, fingers gently curling into the base of his hair. Minho hums against him, muttering quiet words against his lips before kissing him again. "I love you, jagi."

Jisung smiles at him, teeth scraping across his bottom lip. "I love you, too."

"I have an idea." Minho says abruptly, timidly interrupting their moment as he leans away from Jisung.

"Hm? What's that?" Jisung asks quietly, unbothered by the topic change.

"Let's invite everyone over. I've had pork belly sitting in the freezer for a few days and I know no one can say no to a cookout."

Jisung curiously watches Minho as he talks, eyes filling with adoration as he listens devotedly. "If you call Channie, I'll call Felix?"

"Tell them to come around six." Minho says, watching Jisung walk away into the living space in search of his phone. Jisung says something that Minho barely makes out, reaching for his own phone as he unlocks it and searches for his friend's contact. Once he finds it, he calls Chris, holding the phone up to his ear with a calming breath.

"Hey, Minho."

"Hi Channie. I've got an offer for you."

"Uh-oh. What kind of offer?"

"There's been a lot of. . . difficult shit happening lately and all I want to do is be around my friends. I've got two packs of pork in my freezer and it's begging to be cooked if you wanna come over with Seungmin and enjoy it together."

"That sounds nice. I don't think Seungmin and I have anything planned."

"Jisung is inviting Felix and Hyunjin out, too, so it'll be all of us."

"Well, alright. What time should we be there?"

"Six-ish. I can text you for sure once I find out if that time works for Felix and Jinnie."

"Ah, alright. I'll call Seungmin right now. Thanks for thinking of us, Minho. I know Seungmin will appreciate it."

"It's no problem. I'll see you later."

"Yeah, see you later."

Minho sets his phone into his pocket before moving over to his forgotten plate, finally sitting down to enjoy the food he so painstakingly made. It was kind of cold, but Minho really didn't care. He was annoyed, slightly frustrated, and hungry. The only way he could imagine getting over this bullshit was by spending it with the people he cared about, cooking quality cuts of meat, and by maybe drinking a few bottles of soju that he had forgotten about in his fridge. He knew he could always lean on Jisung too, but he didn't want to overwhelm the younger with his consistent wave of issues.

But, as he continues to eat hungrily, moving onto his second pancake, Jisung reappears into the kitchen and settles back down on his stool. "Felix and Hyunjin will be over around six."

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