Chapter 1: The Day You Left

Start from the beginning

None of that would really be a problem if it wasn't for the absence of a certain silver-haired titan, who didn't even bother to answer Yaku's fucking texts and calls.

As soon as he woke up he tried to reach Lev. When he realized that no one had been able to contact him for weeks, Yaku made it his personal goal to leave the hospital as soon as possible.
He was a pain in the ass for the doctors, nurses and even his teammates and coach, who visited him frequently since the accident.

They helped him get back on his feet — quite literally — and without their help, he would almost certainly still be stuck in that empty hospital room.
"I'm taking this," the setter of their team exclaimed and 'offered' to take his bag.

"I'll have to carry it myself when I arrive in Japan anyway," Yaku grumbled.

"Shhhh they only let you go because we promised to keep an eye on you." He winked at him and laughed when Yaku answered it with a scowl.

The others joined them and together they made their way to the airport.


Yaku opened and closed the chat between him and Lev over and over again. Still, nothing changed.
His messages, dozens throughout multiple weeks, still remained unread and with no reply.

He wanted to throw that stupid thing out the window and silently urged the act to move faster.
As soon as he landed in Japan and found Lev he would hunt him down for not answering.

"It's really cute to see you this worried when usually you're so stoic," his teammate remarked.

Yaku glared at him.

"I'm just saying. I always knew that you cared about this 'Lev' even though you complain so much when he spams you with pictures during practice. You always have that fond look in your eyes."

"He's right," one of their spikers agreed. "You really have a soft spot for your boyfriend."

"Do not!" He defended himself weakly. He usually wouldn't but right now he was mad at said boyfriend.

They looked at him skeptically.

"I'm just angry because I almost died and he doesn't even bother to answer my calls!
"I'll find that titan as soon as I arrive in Japan and—"

"And shower him with affection," their setter deadpanned.

Yaku sent a death glare in his direction.

"Come on. It's so obvious that you are worried about him."

"I was the one almost dying! He should be worried about me!"

"Yep," the other agreed. " and the fact that he isn't, or rather that you can't reach him even though the situation was very serious freak you out."

"And could you stop saying that you almost died? I mean I guess it's technically true but the thought honestly freaks /me/ out" the spiker added.

Yaku rolled his eyes.
"Oh, I'm sorry that /my/near-death experience makes /you/ uncomfortable."

"Hey, no need to let out your frustration on us. We are just trying to help," he complained.

"Then stop psychoanalyzing me!" Yaku snapped back.

"Okay, let's all calm down," their setter intervened. "Look, we get it. We'll stop, but if it helps I'm sure he is fine. Maybe he lost his phone."

"No, he needs it for his work a lot. He has two one private and one for work but it number is saved in both and in the unlikely case he'd manage to break both he'd already have a new one.
"Additionally, he knows my number by heart and we live close to some friends who could give it to him if push comes to shove."

"The Day You Left" - YakuLev (non-toxic) | Angst with happy endWhere stories live. Discover now