Watching a horror movie with them

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Shoko Ieiri

Honestly I feel like Shoko is one of those people who like really gory horror movies(like me) so expect something pretty gory, she'd be completely unbothered the whole time I mean she's literally seen some pretty fucked up things as a doctor and s...

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Honestly I feel like Shoko is one of those people who like really gory horror movies(like me) so expect something pretty gory, she'd be completely unbothered the whole time I mean she's literally seen some pretty fucked up things as a doctor and she literally does autopsies so she's used to most of the stuff in horror movies since she's seen it in real life.

Utahime Iori

I feel like Utahime likes gory ones but not too much gore so don't expect something super gory, she'd be pretty unbothered the whole time, the odd jumpscare might get her but that's only if she doesn't see it coming

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I feel like Utahime likes gory ones but not too much gore so don't expect something super gory, she'd be pretty unbothered the whole time, the odd jumpscare might get her but that's only if she doesn't see it coming.

Yuki Tsukumo

Honestly Yuki would probably like any horror movie she doesn't really care about how much gore is in it she'll still like it so she'll just let you pick out whatever one you wanna watch, she'd be kinda excited the whole time but she'll jump maybe ...

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Honestly Yuki would probably like any horror movie she doesn't really care about how much gore is in it she'll still like it so she'll just let you pick out whatever one you wanna watch, she'd be kinda excited the whole time but she'll jump maybe once at a jumpscare but only if she's caught off guard by it.

Akari Nitta

Akari Nitta

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