Grocery Shopping

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Y/N pov:

You're leaving work one evening and decide to go grocery shopping. You're not in the mood to go but you need some things for the upcoming week. You enter the grocery store and grab a shopping cart. As you're walking through the store, you accidentally bump your cart into someone else's at the end of the aisle.

"Oh gosh! I'm so sorry." You say to the other person. "I wasn't paying attention."

"It's okay, no worries. I wasn't paying attention either." A handsome man says with a giggle. He then lets you exit the aisle and go ahead of him.

He was so polite.

You continue with your shopping and then head to the checkout line.

The store is really busy. There are two lines and you're confused as to where each one ends, but you step into a spot, hoping you're not cutting in front of anyone.

"Hey! No cutting!" You immediately hear someone shout behind you.

You quickly turn around, frantically looking at the other customers in line. One of them points out that you cut in front of a man who is part of the same line. You hadn't realized.

It was the same man you had bumped into earlier. He was looking down at his phone and hadn't noticed you cut in front of him.

You start moving your cart to head to the back of the line, but the man looks up from his phone and stops you.

"No, no it's okay. You go ahead." He says as he waves for you to go ahead of him.

You both smile at each other. "Thank you." You say, moving your cart back into your spot.

What a polite thing for him to do considering how chaotic the store was. And what a cute smile!

It's finally your turn to check out but when you try to pay, your card won't work. For some reason, it keeps declining even though you had just used it that morning and it was fine.

Frustrated and on the verge of tears, you ask the cashier if you can run to your car to grab some cash. The cashier agrees. You quickly start putting your card back into your wallet.

The man who let you go ahead of him steps forward, having heard what just happened.

"I'll pay for your groceries, miss." He says while reaching for his wallet.

You hesitate for a second. "Oh- uh, no it's okay. You don't need to do that." You say, looking overwhelmed as you shuffle through your purse.

"Really, it's no problem. I insist." He says, holding a hand to his chest.

You still feel hesitant but you nod for him to come over and pay the cashier.

"Thank you." You say, looking embarrassed.

As the man is paying, you look up and notice just how handsome he is. His chiseled face, surrounded by wavy strands of silky brown hair, and his doughy hazel eyes.

And.. his BICEPS.

You stare for a second and then quickly turn to start putting your bags of groceries in your cart.

"Thanks again." You say with a shy smile.

"It's no problem, really." He smiles back.

"Have a good night." You say.

You start to push your cart away from the register, but you struggle a little as it's heavy.

"Here, let me help you." The man says as he takes over and starts pushing the cart.

You walk out of the store together and he helps you to your car.

The man's pov:

You're helping this woman to her car and you catch a glance of her in the little bit of sunlight that's left. She's beautiful.

She has wavy brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Her skin is glowing and she smells amazing.

You're starting to feel nervous walking next to her. You two haven't said a word to each other since exiting the store. Now you're almost to her car.

"It's this one right here." She says as she points to her car.

You both start putting the groceries in her trunk.

"So, what's your name?" You ask her.

"Y/N." She says back as she hands you a bag. "What's yours?"

"Grayson." You say, looking into her eyes for a second.

Y/N pov:

You learn that the man helping you is named Grayson. You both look into each other's eyes for a second and then quickly shift your focus back on the groceries. You catch him smiling as he's looking down.

You finish up with the groceries and close your trunk.

"I'll put that away for you." He says as he pulls the shopping cart away from your car.

"Oh thanks." You say back.

"Well, you have a good night and stay safe, okay?" He says as he starts to walk away.

You stop him. "Hey, Grayson, wait a second." You say as you take a step toward him.

He turns around to look at you.

You reach into your purse and quickly write something down on a piece of paper.

"You forgot this." You say with a shy smile as you hand him a note.

Confused, he reaches out and takes the note. He opens it and sees a phone number. It's your phone number.

His eyes widen. He looks up at you with a shy grin on his face and runs his fingers through his hair.

"I-" he says.

"Call me some time." You cut him off.

He pauses for a second, looking at the note and then back up at you.

"I'll do that" he politely says as he puts the note in his jacket pocket. "Have a good night, Y/N."

"You as well, Grayson" you say back, admiring him for a second.

He turns around and walks away with the shopping cart.

"Oh my god he is so cute!!" You say to yourself quietly as you're getting into your car.

Thanks for reading!! :) More stories to come!

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