Pt10. Roughing It Out

Start from the beginning

You nod, not bothering to move from his chest as you heaved a sigh of relief. "We made it, fox..." You feel your eyes getting heavy as the sound of the waves crashing in the distance was heard. It was easy to get lost in the moment: The breeze, the water, the pastel sky, the soft and albeit wet pillow under your head. For the first time in a very long time you feel a moment of peace, the exhaustion forcing you to finally slow down for a second. You nuzzle into Tails' chest absent minded, closing your eyes and taking in the calm after a stressful afternoon.

Tails looks down at you warmly, seeing that despite the glass sticking out of your arm you were at least able to enjoy this moment of peace. His head tips back as he also closes his eyes and breathes deeply. It smelled like lavender on the breeze, a chill moving in but only helping your aching muscles feel a little less pained.

Did Vigil really need to exact some grandiose punishment on them? They're fighting Eggman as much as the rest of us... It doesn't seem fair to punish them for doing something to get rid of injustice...
He glances down at you again from under his arm. It was hard to tell if you were sleeping or not, your body too still to make out meditation, rest, or unconsciousness. His brow furrows at your peaceful form.
It's not fair that they get punished...
He reaches a shaky hand down, gently resting it on your head with a sad expression. It moves down the back before returning to the top again as he continued petting you. "It might be weird to say but- I'm really glad we didn't end up staying on opposite sides of the whole.. Eggman situation.."

You listened quietly, your eyes peeking open. There wasn't a single thought in your head as he spoke, the words themselves having nothing but their meanings which remained outside of your comprehension at the moment. You wanted to respond with any statement but the calm and gentle caress of his hand on your head rendered you docile.

He looks up at the clouds, tracing over their shapes with his eyes. "One day, if it's alright with you I wanna hear about what lead you here... I was bullied a lot because of my twin tails so I think that my drive to help people came from that.." He paused as he thought quietly, "If I didn't have my friends then I don't know how I would've turned out... I was really sad for a while but they helped me feel okay again...."
His hand stopped for a moment.
"I... want to be there for you the way they were for me... I think.. Even when we were enemies I still never really thought that you were on the same level as Eggman." You can hear his heartbeat pick up a little. "I was scared of you for a while but... I think that you're just misunderstood. I think you're trying your best to do something good all by yourself."

Your expression softens as you bite your lip, trying not to let any of your feelings out as your body starts tensing up again.

He resumes petting you gently again, "Honestly I really admire that about you. I'm kinda jealous of how capable you are in a pinch, and how much I can believe in you despite us not working together long at all. I think it goes to show how reliable you are, East..." His hand rests on your head as he hesitates... "I hope... That someday you'll be able to consider me your friend.."

You move his hand off your head as you sit up, looking off into the distance. "We are allies and nothing more. You shouldn't get involved with me, it will only bring trouble. Once this business with Eggman is over I'll disappear again and move on to my next objective."
The words feel false in your mouth. You wanted to stay at least a little, and with how gentle he was being with you it felt so safe to let your guard down. You hadn't realized you did til you thought it over, your eyes glossing over as you continued to avoid his gaze.

He sits up as well wearing a pensive frown. "Well when you decide to do that maybe we can team up again, who knows right?" He waits for a response but is met with silence as you continue staring off into the distance. His expression falls a little bit more, a quiet sadness radiating from his bleeding heart.

Allies (Tails x Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now