018 - ❝ mr. busy man ❞

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[ real life ]



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i had woken up to ruffling noises next to me, not aware of my surroundings. nick had just woken up and got out of bed to use the bathroom while i sat in bed, half asleep, waiting until i could see clearly before moving. i rubbed my eyes, sitting up right in bed. i wasn't sure how i got from watching movies with chris to waking up in nicks bed but i was just glad i didn't wake up in a place i didn't know at all.

nick came back into the room, noticing i was awake. "goodmorning." he said, sitting back down next to me on the bed.

"morning," i answered, still thinking about how i ended up here. "how'd i get to your room?" i asked, looking around a little.

"chris had brought you to my room while you were asleep this morning, he said he had to do something at like 8am and didn't want to wake you up so early." nick answered, using his hands to explain. i nodded, confused on how chris managed to bring me here without waking me up at all.

"did he say what he had to do? sounds important if he brought me to your room and didn't want me to wake up." i asked, genuinely confused. it's not that i was nosey, i was just weirded out by it, that's all.

"he rushed out of my room before i could even fully grasp what was going on, plus i don't even care. it was like 7 something and i didn't have the energy to argue with him." nick said, rolling his eyes. i just slowly nodded my head, sitting up again.

i pulled out my phone, not really sure what i was going to do but id probably find something. i opened it to 3 missed calls from an unknown number from a few hours ago. confused, i called them back thinking it was just some spam caller. what didnt make sense to me was that it was at exactly 8am, on the dot.

"hello?" i said once they answered.

"hi, it's cora, i got a new number." she said over loud background noises. i figured she was in a restaurant and just tried my hardest to understand what she was saying.

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