element school

78 14 34

name: Victor
surname: way
pronouns: he/them
age: 16
Orientation: bisexual, non-binary
aestethic: oversize, comfort (usually green and black) or something like this🔽

name: Victorsurname: way pronouns: he/themage: 16 Orientation: bisexual, non-binary aestethic: oversize, comfort (usually green and black) or something like this🔽

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or this🔽

or this🔽

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zodiac sins: aries
element: nature
animal or plant: alyssum*
Character: Friendly,  shy and calm
story (te la metto in italiano cosi se nono vuoi tradurla): vissuto per tutta la sua vita insieme alla sorella aiutandola in caso di difficoltà, solo una volta si è trovato con qualcosa di diverso dentro e la sua vita cambia dopo il coming out fatto col suo migliore amico.
like: his little sis, his bf, violin, books, forests, art.
dislike: homophobic people, loud noises, to be in the middle of so many people, talk in front of a crowd.
fv subject and teacher: history of the elements and art, Jordan Grimm and Similia Shoun



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