chapter 1

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ApeTrully: First Squad i have gotten reports about wolves and, i am going to speak with the ruler of the castle.
Mr. No Hands: be careful commander. Commander ApeTrully left and saw how the castle looked with the crescent moons on the banners.

 Commander ApeTrully left and saw how the castle looked with the crescent moons on the banners

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ApeTrully: this is the most incredible castle i have ever seen.
General: thank you Commander ApeTrully i am the general of this palace and the princess has been expecting you, she would like to have a few words with you. the General led the commander and they had made it to the throne room there Commander ApeTrully saw that the princess was a human, he was surprised to see the princess.
Callisto: greetings Commander ApeTrully i am Princess Callisto welcome to my palace if this is about making peace with the humans we would gladly, do so i wish to strengthen my army the little ones need time to grow.
ApeTrully: they seem to be growing strong and proud with their parents.
Callisto: yes but we will be happy to join Big Green but please have been wanting to join, and face High Roller together we will be undefeatable.
ApeTrully: oh thank you Princess Callisto i'm sure the wolves will be a big help when it comes to food.
Callisto: of course Commader ApeTrully my wolves are the best hunters they hunt for fish so they can feed the young pups, but we are about to have dinner please feel free to invite First Squad i had heard so much about them.
ApeTrully: why of course General would you join me in delivering the message?
General: with pleasure Commander. they both left and a wolf pup jumped into Callisto's lap as she petted the little one then got up and set the little wolf on the ground as she went to check on preperations for dinner.
Callisto: how's it coming everyone and i know how much all love it when i cook meat.

Alya: it's going great your grace.
Callisto: good i have a recipe for Commander ApeTrully he'll truly love it. Callisto began baking banana bread and knew the commander would love it. once everything was ready Callisto went to welcome the guests.
MS: wow this place is beautiful.
Callisto: thank you welcome First Squad i am Princess Callisto welcome to Wolf Castle, i run this kingdom and have become allies with most of the animals. but allow me to show you the throne room we'll be having dinner, there my wolves have prepared the esquisite banquet for you all and your Commander so stay close and don't wonder off. Callisto showed everyone to the throne room they were all surprised by how it looked.
LC: this palace is a work of art princess.
Callisto: thank you Lin Chung the wolves found me when i was a little girl and raised me as one of their own. so please everyone take a seat and we can have dinner.

*tiny time skip*

everyone was talking and ApeTrully wondered  how did Callisto became the princess.
ApeTrully: Princess if you don't mind me asking how did you become the princess of this kingdom?
Callisto: oh i guess it's time i told my story. the wolves made tapestries to tell the story. so please follow me and i will show you in the library. everyone followed Callisto and she showed them the tapestires.
Callisto: this is my story you see when i was just a little girl it was before i was found by the wolves i was lost in the woods, scared and frightend i had lost my family then i heard a howl i was scared at first then they found me.


a young Callisto was sitting under a tree with her head in her arms as they were on her knees, then felt something nudged Callisto and she saw it was a wolf she got scared at first then held out her hand. the wolf gently put their head in Callisto's hand as she smiled at the wolf.
Callisto: your not as scary as everyone thinks you are. i'm Callisto what's your name?
Maru: i am Maru i will care for you little one climb on my back. Callisto climbed onto Maru's back then held on as Maru ran towards the castle then was introduced to all the wolves of the castle, they trained Callisto and raised her as their own and when she was ready they made Callisto their princess she had protected her kingdom and her wolves.

*end of flashback*

MS: wow your a lucky girl.
Callisto: i know but i ever since then i have done what was best for the wolves so i stayed here so i can, keep them safe it's my job but we protect the humans that are near my castle the wolves help them with things like food. and keeping them warm when it gets cold at night and proctecting my subjects from High Roller if those, Zebras ever come near this castle the wolves will chase them away but be warned a wolves bite is worse than their bark the bite can crush a bone.
MR: (whistles) these are some tough canines. the wolves all tackled Mighty Ray to the ground as they licked him he laughed from the licks.
Callisto: alright guys that's enough get off him. you okay Mighty Ray?
MR: yeah i'm fine whew that tickled.
Callisto: well your all welcome to come and visit me anytime it does tend to get lonely, here without human interaction since i'm always so busy.
LC: (kneels) it would be our pleasure to come and visit you anytime princess. Callisto blushed from what Lin Chung did and she smiled at him being such a gentlemen.
Callisto: oh please just call me Callisto if you ever need my help just contect me i have a communication system here in the castle, Woo the Wise can help with the connection. but Lin Chung i want you to have something (pulls out necklace) this necklace is connected to mine the stones will glow if one of us is in danger, whenever you hear the wolves howl you'll know we're safe have a safe trip back home my friends.

 but Lin Chung i want you to have something (pulls out necklace) this necklace is connected to mine the stones will glow if one of us is in danger, whenever you hear the wolves howl you'll know we're safe have a safe trip back home my friends

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LC: thank you Callisto but maybe i could come and paint a portrait of you for the castle.
Callisto: that would be nice thank you. Callisto watched everyone leave and she waved at First Squad then went back inside.
Maru: i saw that and i think Lin Chung would be a great help here at the castle.
Callisto: Mother please we just met and besides i think we could be good friends the same with Mystique Sonia even Jumpy, but i'm the wolf princess there would be no way Lin Chung an artist and warrior would be with me. i'm going to head to my room for the night good night Mother.

*in Callisto's room*

while Callisto was on her way to her room she heard something and went to see what it was then she screamed only to see it was a mouse.
Callisto: (sigh) oh thank goodness it was only a mouse.

*mini time skip*

it had been days since Callisto had met First Squad she wondered what they were doing and saw bears coming which meant High Roller then Callisto had the wolves protect the humans, she went to fight the bears but got knocked out cold and the jewel on Callisto's necklace started glowing which would tell Lin Chung she was in trouble.

*in big green*

everyone was doing their own thing until Lin Chung noticed his necklace was acting up.
MS: what is it Lin Chung?
LC: it's Callisto she's in trouble the stone on my necklace is glowing.
Apetrully: then you must go and save her hurry!
MNH: you heard him First Squad deploy! they all went to help Callsito and saw she was tied up to a tree and the wolves were in a cage.
Callisto: guys be careful it's a trap! they all fought the bears then most of the team freed the wolves while Lin Chung had freed Callsito as she almost fell until Lin Chung caught her.
LC: are you alright?
Callisto: i'm fine just hurting my leg was wounded in the fight.
MS: it's a bear scratch alright but it's not deep from the looks of it you should sit down so i can look at it.
Maru: let me Mystique Sonia. Maru walked over as Callisto sat down and raised up her dress a bit to see the wound.
MNH: that looks bad.
Maru: it is deep but it will leave a scar Lin Chung please help carry her inside so the wound maybe tended too. Lin Chung helped Callisto up then what happened next shocked her, Lin Chung picked up Callisto bridal style but she put her arms around Lin Chung's shoulders as he carried her inside.

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