It wasn't a surprise, considering the information that Indra brought, but still. The gap was a little too wide. Furthermore, it didn't help that she failed to use her sensing- which was something she had unbeatable talent in- to realize that she was in a genjutsu eversince she was conscious after Indra's attack.

Hamura would blame it on other variables, like being young and being raised in the outside world as a member of the Hyūga clan with weaker and detrimental training regimes. In addition, that genjutsu was one which was stronger than average, evidentially proven by how Indra had only figured it out later on-though that delay was because he was distracted- but nevertheless, it was inevitable for her to fail.

Moreover, Hamura had used Indra to attack her, which achieved wonderful results, for both this youngling and Indra, but had taken too much of Hinata's mental fortitude. Not to mention restraining Indra's memory which was another sufficient buffer to those results, but still continuously was heavier on Hinata's headspace. It was really understandable but of course, he would only accept it now. She was still five years old and was raised differently, so he wouldn't put unnecessary pressure on a child to excel. After all every result he had just named was expected and predicted.

However, what Hamura didn't foresee was his chakra reacting to Hinata's. It was unexpected yet unsurprising. Nevertheless, it didn't make a dent in the plan, rather it elevated it. Hinata would slowly grow with it and learn to be accustomed to it. After all, she had already performed exceptionally well by absorbing it and blending it into her chakra system-a little too well- he might add as he remembered his instant alarm when he felt someone sucking his chakra from him. And the fact that she had mixed it well in her system. Honestly, quite exemplary. Such limitless potential, if trained and groomed perfectly would surely surpass him. It definitely wouldn't matter, if she wasn't his incarnate because being his descendant would do just well.

Nevertheless, who's incarnate she was, was still a mystery. Only selective people in the clan could have incarnates. Moreover, they were already dying so there were was no possible way to have more incarnates, which meant Hinata was an incarnate of someone of the ancient times, before Ashura and Indra and before him and Hagoromo. Hamura doubted it'd be his mother even though it seemed so, however, if it wasn't his mother, who would it be? His father? Impossible? That man wasn't really significant in anything other than helping in their creation.

Feeling miffed, Hamura observed Hinata closer trying to find any similarities to any of his fellow clansman-which was something since they all looked alike- and obviously could not find the answer. Truly unfortunate, as he was genuinely curious to who's seedling Hinata was.

After all, who could activate her own memories, without being given them. It was simply unheard off and surprising for an incarnate to activate everything on their own, with no help. Usually an incarnate would have to be given the chakra at a specific time in their growth, they would undoubtedly inherit the chakra and techniques of original host.

However, memories were a different variable, the original host could choose to give the memories to their incarnate or not. And yet, Hinata had activated them when she was four. Which was when the report said her nightmares began. Moreover, whenever Hinata woke up, those memories would be gone. In addition to that, the report stated how Hinata was at some point possessed by her host- who clearly didn't want her to have them back- as well as when she had met the rest of her fellow incarnates-something which would have been problematic to say the least- Luckily, Indra had sorted that out and wiped their memories. But needless to say, it was still magnificent for a host and Incarnate to be visibly at odds.

The host didn't want Hinata to have the memories and was trying to subdue Hinata which made it show itself earlier than it should have. And yet even that theory in place, Hamura wasn't quite certain, what did the memories contain that the host was vehemently against their own incarnate, Furthermore, was it dormant now? because Hinata had vividly proven to be able to both activate her own Otsutsuki chakra at will and her memories. Something that defied his earlier definition of how the process originally worked, but here we were.

Truly magnificent, Hamura thought observing one of the future generations' anomalies and undoubtedly one of the strongest to ever rise of their kind, in both this planet and the world of the Otsutsuki clan. Such brilliance. It made him very pleased, he thought with a tiny gleam in his eyes.

However, he understood that because of this anomaly Hinata would have to be properly nurtured. Most importantly, she could not return to the outside world for the time being, unless she learned to control it. After all, she had activated her chakra. In addition, when two beings of the Otsutsuki clan were undergoing transformation in the same time and in the same place, the weaker one would die if not careful, and Hamura wasn't sure who her incarnate was, but he was sure, as earlier proven, her chakra was not yet stable and she would instinctively try and take away any signs of life into her entire being to cater to her Otsutsuki blood. Meaning no one closely connected to the Otsutsuki clan were safe. The Senju, the Uchiha, the Uzumaki, The Hyūga, the Kitsune and the Kaguya clans.

Hinata would take it all for herself and the unfortunate thing is, she would never know it, because her host did not want her to. It would suppress her, pressure her and most likely haunt her, whilst taking and taking, slowly destroying her and making way for its reincarnation. After all, if it had been anyone else, Hamura was sure he would be dead, because the clutching on his chakra had been fast and determined and it had fluidly returned to Hinata. Which was surprising at how eager it was to cling to her and yet unsurprising at how it managed to because he was ultimately weaker than he had been in his prime.

How unfortunate. Hamura thought as he stopped flickering her forehead. He saw it covered in red matching her eyes red yet still, refusing to cry in defiance. Such a kind little thing, if not careful would be defeated by her own self. Truly unfortunate, he thought again as Hamura looked down at her and Hinata felt a ripple through his chakra which was almost sad. Almost. She thought as her eyes stared at him, realizing the way he looked at her was a little different than it had been.

She stopped rubbing her forehead as she realized that he was finally done. She winced at the amount of swelling and bit her cheeks. It was unreasonably painful to be just from a forehead poke, even though he was naturally strong, but still, she thought with a pout, whilst Hamura finally spoke, breaking her out of her thoughts

"I am Otsutsuki Hamura, Hinata. It is a pleasure to meet you" he introduced himself for the first time in centuries, whilst bowing in greetings, polite and modest and even a little pleased. Hinata smiled at the rare feeling of such a proper greetings, not filled with arrogance or distaste. But, she placed her hand on her chest for a moment. Why did she feel an ache at him saying his name? She questioned in passing then brushed her thoughts away.

Knowing that this man already knew who she was-which wasn't really a surprise since she deduced long ago that she had been kidnapped in a planned predicament- Hinata returned his greetings.

"It a pleasure to meet you as well" She responded gently as her eyes glistened, and Hamura's eyes blinked for a moment while several thoughts rang in his head. A kind heart, but a firm stubbornness. The ability to endure and to be willingly patient, soft spoken, but with a very simple yet advanced mindset. Honestly, such a walking contradiction, he couldn't help but think as Hamura's lips quirked at the edges. What a cute little descendant he had.

Hinata on the other hand felt several pleased, almost satisfied ripples in Hamura's emotions. His emotions were also, slightly warmer towards her. Hinata wondered why? She didn't really do anything, moreover, wasn't he supposed to be her kidnapper? Although he didn't act like one but still. Furthermore, why did she feel safe? And why was did his chakra calm her down? It had been too warm and too comforting, and even though calm, it felt like the exact chakra that had been in her system and had been giving her trouble and yet now that same troublesome chakra was imbedded in her system and now part of her. Is that why it reacted well to his chakra? Cause they were the same?

Hinata pursed her lips and ended her greetings by bowing. She was about to speak, but didn't get a chance as Hamura cut her right it.

"I am sure you have a lot of questions and in due time, I can assure you they will be answered. But for now, may you follow me, so I can answer some of them and show you around" Hamura informed politely, and Hinata hesitantly nodded admiring how noble and polite, yet not cold or arrogant he sounded.

Infact when Hinata followed behind him, she couldn't help but feel like she was seeing a ghost of her mother and father combined. A Hyūga, if those lilac eyes weren't anything to go by, but not a Hyūga at the same. Better, more refined, with more nobility carved into his bones without the need to be stoic and with immense power, yet no arrogance. She wanted to be just like him.

An Otsutsuki.

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