that one princess!yn one shot

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"Why do we have to meet the new royal family?" Nya asked as she buckled up her gi for the visit to the new helm of Ninjago. "We haven't exactly had the best run with royalty."

"Tell me about it," Lloyd grunted, pulling his hood over his head. "I am not looking forward to this."
"Oh, come on," Jay said as he shoved his jika-tabis on. "It can't be a repeat of last time."
"The current family are related to the late Jade rulers," Zane countered his point, already suited up and waiting for the rest of his team. "But I highly doubt that the new princess was working with Harumi."
"Yeah, well," Lloyd grumbled as he stood and crossed his arms, the second to be ready. His entire body was tensed, mind stressed. "I'm not taking any chances."
A staff was brought down harshly a top his head. Lloyd yelped at the hard smack, scrambling around to send his uncle a wide-eyed, betrayed look as he rubbed his injury.
"You will all be on your best behaviour," Wu said sternly, staring pointedly at his nephew. Misako stepped forward to push back Lloyd's fringe into his hood so it'd stop draping over his green eyes. The green ninja whined at his mother's fussing, shoving her hands away. "It was an act of graciousness that brought us into the palace and you will treat the new rulers with respect."

"And if the new princess turns out to be evil?" Kai asked. "The last one kind of raised Lord Garmadon from the dead. We don't exactly have a great rep with royalty."
Wu stared at the team dryly.
"Best. Behaviour," the old Sensei snapped.
"Jay, go change your robe," Misako said quickly as she redid the knot on Cole's gi.
"What? Why?"
"It's got a nacho cheese stain down the front."
Jay glanced down. "I'm saving it for an on-the-go snack."
"I'll be right back," the lightning master sighed as he dragged his feet back towards his room.
"Why are you trying so hard, mom?" Lloyd muttered through his mask as he watched Misako pick a hair from her kimono and flick it off. "It's hardly worth the stress."
"The new royal family are important figure heads of our society and are strong allies," Misako explained just as Jay returned wearing a stainless robe. "First impressions are the foundations of relationships."
"Waste of energy," the green ninja snarled under his breath before raising his voice to a normal volume and addressing the team. "We all ready? Let's go."

Misako's fussing turned out to be in vain as the team's clean image was immediately tousled and wind blown due to the flight to the palace. The elemental dragons disappeared as the team landed in the courtyard of the new jade palace, having been rebuilt on the outskirts of the city.
"They sure put this up fast," Cole noted, impressed at the intricate, historic-looking architecture despite the brand-new building. Red and black, of course. It reminded them of the monastery, but without the training yard and the forestry. "Y'know, considering the city was shrouded in that oni darkness for a while."
"Good afternoon, ninja," said a man with grey hair slicked back as he stepped from the front entrance. "My name is Jonesy, the royal advisor. I will be escorting you to the throne room. Follow me."
The ninja followed the royal advisor into the palace, where Jonesy took them for a small tour before heading towards the throne room. Some parts of the palace was still being built and decorated.

Nya slowed down to join Lloyd, who was trailing at the back of the group with a scowl.
"How are you doing?" the water mistress asked, staring at the side of the masked ninja's face. His eyes had gone red with frustration.
"Peachy," Lloyd snapped quietly, fists clenching as the group entered a large, exquisitely designed room. Its main feature were the thrones at the end of the long, red carpet. Upon said thrones were the new emperor and empress. "Just perfect."
The emperor and empress stood when the ninja and Wu and Misako stopped before them. Introductions were made and a touch of small talk was initiated. Lloyd's dull anxiety grew.
"Where's the princess?" he asked suspiciously, voice tight with strain. The empress smiled curtly. A flash of discontent crashed in her eyes.
"Ah, yes, well-"
A small, furry body crashed into the room, followed by a girl in laughably not princess attire. Her fat pants were covered in paint stains. Her hair was a mess.
"Stoooop!" she cried, giving chase to the squeaking animal as it scampered across the polished floor - totally oblivious to the visitors. Her socks struggled to catch grip.

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