chapter 9: aftermath

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Wars are horrible things. 

No one is ever the same after a war. 

People have died. 

People have had to kill. 

People have almost died. 

People have lost everything because of war. 

No one is ever the same after a war. 

And Bree was no different.
The war cost Bree their family and girlfriend. 

First when they were only one years old, their papafoot was locked away for a murder he never did. Only to break out and be on the run in their 3rd year. Then in their 5th year, their papafoot was killed by his cousin in front of everyone. Secondly, after their 6th year. They gain a bonus Ren and a new sibling in their 7th year. Only to lose their moomy and bonus ren in a battle in may 1998. Finally, their girlfriend, the love of their life, was killed by a demon in the same battle that took away their parents, the same battle that made them a killer. 
Bree had lost everything. Bree was broken. Their heart was snapped in two. They had no reason left to live. Well except for Sophia and Teddy. After the battle that took everything from Bree, Sophia forced them to move into a house with her and Fred Weasly. Sophia, being Teddy’s godmother, gained custody of teddy. So Bree still had their brother in their life. But despite all this Bree didn’t get better. They only got worse. They hardly left their room. They spend so much time curled up on the bed as a dog or crying their eyes out. They hardly eat. They hardly sleep. They hardly do anything. Their hair grew out into a knotted mess on top of their head. 

Sophia never gave up on them though. Sophia kept trying. They wanted their friend back. She invited Bree to the wedding of her and Fred weasley. Bree never turned up. Sophia made them a godparent of one out four of Sophia’s kids. It didn’t work. Sophia tried everything she could but nothing worked.  Well nothing until 2002. 


Bree was woken up by banging in the bedroom. They listened to Fred and Sophia talk about a girl. They heard Sophia mention Eileen. Curiosity got the better of Bree. so they got up and walked into the next room. “Bree?! You’re up” Bree ignored Sophia though because on the bed was a girl Bree would recognise anywhere despite her messed up look. “Eileen?” Bree said in shock. Sophia nodded. “We found her at a muggle night club. She’s in a horrible state Bree. She's an alcoholic and a druggy Bree” 

Something snapped in Bree.
“Fred, get something to tie her down then once she is tired wait outside the house. She may hate it but if she isn't tied down, when she wakes up she'll escape.  I'll get her some PJ's. She won't fit in yours, Sophia. You're too small. Sophia, get her a drink of water. She'll need it. Also call a rehab centre” Bree said. Quickly enough, everyone followed the instructions.

A couple of hours later, Eileen woke up in Red PJs. She groaned and sat up. Sophia and Bree stood at the end of the bed. Eileen's face filled with panic. Eileen quickly tried getting up but she couldn't as she was tired to the bed “Let me go!” Eileen yelled. Sophia shook her head “we can't do that Eileen. You are a harm to yourself” Eileen tried yanking the restraints. “Sophia is right Eileen. We can't untie you” Bewe said.  “Why are you doing this? Let me go Bree, Sophia!”  Eileen yelled. Sophia was about to say something when Fred led in a bunch of strange wizarding men. Eileen started muttering no as the man got out a syringe. “We are sending you to Rehab for your own good Eileen” Sophia said as the men sedated Eileen. 
Eileen did end up going to rehab but she wasn't alone. She had a roommate and guess who that was? Emberlynn Black. Yep Emberlynn was in Rehab for alcohol, drugs, sex and shopping addictions. They went through the whole rehabilitation together and both came out sober. 

Bree kept in touch with Eileen. Making sure Eileen stayed healthy and out of trouble was helping Bree stay distracted from the heart break. Looking after someone else was helping Bree feed themselves and not cry everyday.  Through letters, Bree found out Eileen moved in with Emberlyn, Bill and her children after Rehab. Through letters, Bree found out what happened in 2003.


Eileen was babysitting Emberlynn's and Bill's kids when she found out. It came over the radio and everything seemed to stop. 
Eileen needed a drink to deal with this so she stole one of Emberlynn's secret drinks and drank it while babysitting to deal with the loss of her last sister. But she was only half way through the bottle when the couple returned home. Bill was so angry about the danger she had put his kids in that he kicked her out. Onto the streets again. 

Through letters, Bree found out Eileen got a tiny job. 

Through letters, Bree found out Eileen got a job in the local corner shop

Bree was doing amazing. They shaved all their hair off and started growing out again. They were eating. They were sleeping. They were leaving the house. They were looking after Teddy and Sophia's children. They become cool Ze ze Bree to Sophia's children. Things were amazing. 
But 2005 ruined everything. 
2005 set her back by so many years.

Emberlynn Weasley Nee Black, mother of several children and wife to William Weasley died yesterday in her own home. She had been terribly ill for a while yesterday she lost her battle. Emberlynn has had a past of Drugs and alcoholi-

Even Black, older brother to Emberlynn Black, was found dead this morning in his cell. Evan has no children and no wife.  Evan Black was locked away in a muggle prison after commiting muggle crimes. Evan was down for a 3 year sentence and has done two years. Evan was born out of an affair and was homeless until he was 6 year old when his mother died of ove-” 

Bree lost contact with Eileen after this. Bree guessed she relapsed. But losing contact with Eileen caused Bree to lose themselves again. They went back to locking themselves in the bedroom again. Their hair started getting notty again. They didn't talk to anyone. Sophia couldn't get them to talk to anyone or leave their room. 

And Sadly in 2015, it was announced that Eileen was dead. She had died of blood alcohol poisoning. But that was the last straw for Bree. Their condition got so much worse. Nothing helped them. They locked everyone out of their room. Out of their life. Out of everything.

18th june 1980 - 19th August 2023 
Ze Ze

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