I dont think you thought that through..

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Later that day, they got out of the wash house and managed to sell a lot of chocolate. But suddenly, someone grabbed her and covered her mouth, "WILLY!" Maiya yelled and tried to get away. It was too late, Wonka didn't hear her and whoever the person was took her away. She was really scared. Wonka then realized Maiya was gone, "Maiya! Where are you!?" He was really worried about her, it was confusing that he started actually caring about this child that he met when she stole something. Maiya was knocked out when her and the person got away from the Centre of the busy shopping place and town. She just woke up and saw three men, Fickelgruber, Prodnose, Slugworth. They were the ones that Wonka was enemies with! They were the ones trying to stop him from selling chocolate! Prodnose chuckled, "what are we going to do with this one..?" Maiya looked really scared and tried to get away but no luck for her since they grabbed her and held her down, "what are you doing?!" She yells and tries to get away still. "Calm down, god." Slugworth said and laughed a little bit. "What do you want with me?" She asks. "Just we want you to stop Wonka selling chocolate since he will only listen to you." She looked shocked, she's become so close to Wonka in the past few days, she could never do that, she would never.. "I can't!" She yells and tries to kick Fickelgruber. It didn't work since Prodnose grabbed her foot. "You better or you will die.." Fickelgruber wasn't exaggerating when he said that. He meant it. They would kill her if she didn't. She knew she had to so she did but then Slugworth chuckled and said, "unless... you become our servant." That was so much better than having to let Wonka down! Maiya thought and she nods. They chuckled and smirked, she couldn't go back now and I don't think she thought it through and it was clear that she didn't.

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