Who is she?

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"Are you their slave too?" She asks. He looks like he's in despair when he answers, "yeah.." she felt a bit bad but there was a few more exactly like them too down in the wash house. Yep, there was more of them. "Who are you?" She asks, "I'm Maiya." Wonka smiles a little bit about how kind she is even though their literally trapped in a washing house. "I'm Wonka, a former chocolate maker."
"What's chocolate?" She asks. She's obviously never saw chocolate before which makes him shocked. "You don't know what chocolate is?" He asks, really shocked. "no. I've been here since I was born." Wait what?, He thinks, I didn't know it was that bad. The part where he realized that she had never heard of or tasted chocolate really wasn't that bad, it was the part where he found out she was there since she was born. "Do you want some?" He questions, "uh- sure." She answers even though she was a bit unsure and doesn't trust him. He then grabs his portable chocolate maker set and gives some to Maiya and some for himself. She tries it and looks a bit unsure, "it tastes weird." She mumbles, Wonka understood how she would feel a bit confused and thought it tasted weird as it was her first time hearing of and tasting chocolate. "It was worth a try." Wonka said to her, she nods, "I guess so."

The girl who was destined to be let goWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt