Chapter 5

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He will be the guardian of the hunt.

Reyna POV

The Romans were getting out of control.

She had never thought she would say this, but it was true. Despite her best efforts, every single member of Camp Jupiter had been hell-bent on exacting revenge for the praetor who had returned to the Legion its honour, especially the fifth cohort. on their Greek counterparts.

She had no choice but to go with the flow. Only a miracle could save the Greeks and Camp Half-Blood now. She did not mean to brag, but the Roman military was formidable and could achieve anything if they set their minds to it. The Greeks did not stand a chance.

She sighed. The battle plans had been made. The spear had been thrown. Gods knew that the Romans were eager to draw first blood unless the Greeks apologised or Percy appeared out of the blue and ordered them to stand down.

Little did she know how right she was...

Artemis POV

She was fuming.

Her father had appointed a male as the guardian of her hunt. Sure, the boy had earned her respect, and was a good man, but did Zeus doubt their capabilities so much that he had to appoint a 'bodyguard'? 

She was now outside the hunt's perimeter, thinking of ways to introduce Perseus to the hunt.

The boy himself was not with her. He had not yet recovered from the power surge in the throne room. Hephaestus had taken him, because her annoying little brother, Apollo had been too worried about what would become of his 'magnificent' palace if Percy went ballistic.

She walked into the camp.

"Girls!" she called. "I have an announcement. We shall have a new guardian, and before you start protesting, know that this is the decree of the king of the gods. There is nothing I can do about him."

"Who is it, my lady?" Thalia asked. The girl was a nice lieutenant, though probably not as good as Zoe.

"You would know him, Thalia. He is, after all, your cousin."

"HE?" Phoebe said. "Lord Zeus assigned a boy? And JACKSON at that?"

This, of course, enraged Thalia. "Was that an insult, Phoebe? 'Cause I don't like it when people insult my friends and family", Thalia shot back, her hands crackling with energy.

"It was thanks to him that Zoe got killed!" Phoebe accused.

"HOW DARE-", Thalia started to say but was interrupted by the calm voice of none other than Perseus Jackson. He stood at the edge of the clearing in his new body. The hunters seemed awed at the sight of such a perfect automaton. "No Thalia", he said in a tired voice, as if he had thought about this topic often. "She is right. But tell me this, if I had the means to bring Zoe back, would she come back?"

"Of course she would", Phoebe scoffed. "You make this seem like she wanted to die. But who are you?"

"The very person we were discussing a moment ago. Percy Jackson, at your service. Also, your new guardian." He switched on hidden projectors that Hephaestus had apparently attached, revealing the distinct raven black hair, a tanned face and sea-green eyes like he had before he died.

The entire hunt stood in shocked silence for a moment, before Phoebe spoke, "You! You dare come here after what happened to two of our sisters on that quest? After all those huntresses that died in both the wars under your leadership? And how dare you speak of Zoe?" Her tone was laced with poison. Every member of the hunt flinched at her tone. Percy's face darkened.

This was not going the way she had hoped it would. "Phoebe, I think that's enough."

"No, lady Artemis", the boy spoke. "Let me justify my question. I may have found a way of bringing Zoe back, but it can only work if she has the will to come back."

"You've got my attention", I said.

Percy pulled out Anaklusmos (Riptide) and spoke clearly, "I return this sword to its original and rightful owner, to wield and control as she wishes. May she be reborn!"

Percy Jackson: The Man of MetalDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora